Friends listen to friends... Don't they?

Jul 18, 2006 19:09

Who: K'sar, Essdara
Where: LC, HRW
Comment: Arguing, the new trend in K'sar and Dara's relationship. K'sar gets protective of Aida, Dara tries to warn him off, anger ensues.

Bright, cold, blustery winter day and K'sar is seated at one of the tables nearer the hearth, riding jacket over the back of the seat and a plate of food in front of him, mug of klah near to hand. A walking stick rests nearby and he looks a bit more steady on his feet - and a lot more tired. Like, 'shadows under his eyes and not sleeping' tired. He's grinning as he returns a greeting from another 'rider, then goes back to his food.

Essdara comes out of the kitchens, herself looking pretty worn, and makes her way to the food tables to assemble breakfast. Light fare is chosen, and a mug of something hot. Looking around the caverns for a place to sit, she spots the bronzerider. Moving to stand next to his table, she offers a smile and asks, "May I join you, K'sar?"

"Sure." K'sar replies, then glances up and grins. "Morning, Dara." He shifts the walking stick to make sure you can get to the seat without tripping, then reaches for his klah. "S'good this morning. How are you?"

Essdara smiles and slips into the seat, setting her meal down on the table. "Tired, but I always am by this time. I think I need to get off the early breakfast shift, there's soemthing about getting up before the sun, and before even the earliest riders, that just takes it out of me."

"Was a beautiful sunrise though." K'sar replies quietly, promptly filling his mouth with a forkful of spiced tuber and egg. A glance shifts from food to Dara's face and then to the room at large. Nope, not going to start with the questions. Not him.

Essdara grins, "Well, they should have the windows installed in the kitchens in a few hundred turns, so until then I will just have to take your word for it?"

Bite. Chew. Swallow. "" K'sar starts, then drops his fork and leans back and just looks at Dara. "What's been going on down here the last couple of days? One thing about being in the infirmary, you sure got to hear all the gossip."

Essdara tilts her head, picking up a meatroll to eat between sentances. "Not heard much of anything of interest, I am sorry to say. Been pretty quiet of late, I think the gossipers are all worn out after all that stuff."

"Ah. So, Aida, or anyone, hasn't been gossiping about things lately, hmm?" K'sar murmurs, then mutters low "Good." The plate is reclaimed and he takes a few bites, letting the silence grow. Ever since the argument, things have been a little...awkward. Even with the making up.

"Was there something in particular you were hoping she had told me?" Dara asks, curiously. "I didn't get to talk to her much yesturday, she was in the infirmary all day, and when she came out she only had eyes for that brownrider of hers." She rolls her eyes with a faint laugh. "Don't think either of them knows what to do with the other."

"Brown rider?" K'sar pauses and looks over at her. "Which one?" Klah washes down another mouthful and he listens, gaze shifting around the room again before back to Dara's face.

Essdara grins impishly, waving a hand, "Does it matter? One's much the same as another, if you ask me." A long drink of Klah. "But I am sure if you ask around you will be able to find out, if it's important/"

"Yes. It matters." K'sar's voice is tight. "Not /all/ of them are honorable." He sets the fork down on his plate, almost too carefully. "She's been very kind and helpful and if someone were to dally with her feelings or hurt her..."

Essdara's eyes flash briefly, and her smile fades. "Do you honestly think, K'sar, I would leave Aida alone with anyone I didn't think was honorable? For even a moment? But she is also a big girl, and I think you will find interfering with her feelings and desires, even for her own good, is apt to cause you more harm than you might save her from. And I pity anyone who /does/ try to hurt her, because my marks are on her."

"You don't know all of the riders, Dara." K'sar replies quietly, distancing himself in slow movements. The plate is pushed back and he wraps one hand around the mug, leaning back and watching her through slightly lowered lashes. "And what one rider might say to a girl is not what he would say to another rider."

Essdara shakes her head slowly. "Look, if it will make you feel better, K'sar, it was Br'ce, and you can rest assured he's as uncertain as she is." She looks over at him steadily, voice firm. "She likes him, and even were he the worst of the worst, what she chooses is her choice. But if yuo want to argue with her, then that is your choice. But I warn you, if you value your friendship with her, tread carefully."

"Don't really think you're one to be giving 'managing a friendship' advice, do you, Dara?" K'sar replies quietly. "I'll talk to him and make sure he knows it would not go over well if he were to hurt her." His smile is not...pleasant. "Could you pass the klah pitcher down here, please?"

Essdara does as requested, and shakes her head. "K'sar, when it comes to Aida, you might consider that I know her a /whole/ lot better than you do, and a whole lot better than you ever will. Sure, I screw up my share of friendships. Almost lost Aida twice now. But if you have this chat, and it gets back to her, then you can be sure she will be angry. But do as you will."

Accepting the pitcher, K'sar refills his mug and then sets the pitcher back into the center of the table. "Do you know her as well as you think you know me?" A glint in his eyes and then he turns to acknowledge a greeting from down the table, pausing to pass the pitcher further along.

"K'sar, you are a friend, and a relatively good one. But Aida is something else entirely." She shakes her head, "I won't endanger my friendship with you over this. Like I said, do as you will. But when she comes to kick your ass, do kindly remember that I warned you?" She sighs. "And K'sar, even if he were the type you fear - and I don't think he is - What will you do? Are you ready to follow her for the rest of her life, to insulate her, protect her from any possible harm? You and I, we fought over your relationship with Rysia. How is what you say you will do any different, and any less meddling?"

"You're making assumptions again." K'sar replies, swirling the contents of his cup. "I'm simply going to make sure he's not considering her a light dalliance. I'll tell her I talked to him, after I do. Believe it or not, Essdara, you're /not/ the only person I talk to in the Weyr."

Essdara says, "Nor I, you, K'sar. And what if he does? You are quick to make assumptions that she would object to that. Where is her choice in this?" She shakes her head, "You can belittle me all you want, K'sar, it won't change the fact that it is none of your business, nor indeed any of mine."

K'sar just smirks, shaking his head and sipping his klah. "Funny how you're suddenly so 'wise' in what is someone's business and what is not." He rises and reaches for his walking stick. "Good day, Dara. Breakfast was one of your better endeavors." The klah is drained and the cup set down before he picks up the jacket and starts on his way out.

Essdara rolls her eyes. "Says the man who makes no mistakes, but knows how we should all live our lives. Good day, K'sar. Please, let's keep having these chats."

rp, k'sar, lc, essdara

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