Another apology

Jul 16, 2006 09:47

Who: Rysia, Essdara
Where: Dorms
When: Morning, day 20 month 1 turn 2
Comment: Dara finally finds Rysia for a needed apology, finishing her list of people that need them

Rysia is doing the getting up and ready for work thing - of course, it's anyone's guess how long she was actually in the dorm, sleeping - but it's more then it was, back in the days right after the Turn's End party.

Essdara is likewise getting up, but not from sleeping; she's just creeping away from Aida's cot, leaving the infirmary aide sound asleep under a blanket. A fond smile, and Dara is off for her own cot and clean clothing from the press.

Rysia's "G'mornin'" is interrupted with a yawn, and a grump as she half-falls off her own press, pulling on the boots. "Stupid mornin'."

Essdara chuckles softly, glancing over at the weaver as she pulls on a fresh skirt and shirt. "Good morning to you, Rysia. Or, at least, as good as it can be, all things considered. Not seen you in a few days now, how've you been holding up?"

Rysia lifts a shoulder, and finishes lacing things up, before getting to her feet, and giving a good stretch, "'bout as well as 'pected. Avoidin' Sar now?" After all, when she's not at the loom... well, it's been mentioned before.

Essdara shakes her head, with a slight smile. "Did for a little bit, mostly because I am not very good at making up with people after an argument. But we're ok, now. We talked a little bit, but mostly just accepted that sometimes friends say stupid things, and got on with life. He was out in the living caverns for a while, it was very good to see. You headed off to see him, or you got work to do?"

Rysia wrinkles her nose a bit, "Work. Been.. less then up on things lately. Time to be startin' to catch up an' the like, though m'head's not been rung over the matter much." There's a bit of a half-grin at that, before she shakes her head.

Essdara smiles a bit and stands, looking over towards her. "I had something to say to you, too, Rysia. Been hoping to run into you so's I could." She takes a moment to think on the wording. "I wanted to say I am sorry, Rysia, for poking my nose in where it wasn't wanted. It was a mistake to do it, and I hope sometime you can forgive me for it. I won't say I don't think you two would be good together, because you are, but it isn't my place to try to make something like that happen."

Rysia is still for a moment, then nods, "No, it isn't." She considers her next words for a moment, then continues, "He hasn't mentioned what you've said, an' that's fine. I imagine it's much as you've said to me, an' while it isn't a bad thing said... What we have works, eh?" She offers another, quickly crooked smile. "And given it isn't going to change any time soon, it's just as well we're both pleased with it, hm?"

Essdara nods, with a small smile. "That is what matters, yes. And I promise to keep my nose out of it. You both are too good of friends for me not to care... But also too good for me to want to lose by my half-assed meddling. Still friends, I hope?"

Rysia shakes her head, "Of course - now, if you were tryin' to pair me off without a by-your-leave, well, then I'd be havin' to find the slimest gruel I could to be treatin' you to, but other then that? I suppose I can forgive.." she teases.

Essdara giggles softly. "Nah. Not for him, I'd just have to keep you for myself, and that'd be far worse than anyone else we could come up with." She yawns a little. "Erf. Sorry. Been a long night and morning."

Rysia chuckles, "Well, if his reaction were anythin' to go by, that wouldn't be the problem. The problem would be the lack of watchin'." There is a pause, then a shooing of her hand, "Off with you then. Ta bed - your own, or ta work - but get some klah, if that's the plan, eh? Sleepin' into the foods might not be so appetizin'."

Essdara grins impishly, "Just have to let him watch, then." She teses, and then makes an unpleasant face, "It's that sharding fall yesturday. Has everyone's heads all messed up. Spent the night with one friend who was drunk off her gourd and depressed on top of it, then found Aida'd been up all night with no food or anything, helping with the bad cases. Thankfully I'm off till lunch, though dunno if I'll actually get any sleep."

Rysia grimances a bit, and nods, "One of the main reasons I'm glad to not usually be havin' much to do with the infirmary. Hate seein' folks in pain."

Essdara nods. "Imaging K'sar isn't very happy to be there. Heard that he might be out of there soon, though, so hopefully that will happen. BEt you're ready for things to be back to something approaching normal?"

Rysia nods after a moment, "It would be bein' nice. An' now that he can be gettin' about, well... can't see why that'd keep him on the ground. After all, with the straps an' what not...

Essdara nods. "He should be out in no time. He was still pretty shaky coming out yesturday, but I think every trip with get him closer to his weyr." She yawns, and shakes her head. "Know what? Think I'm going to go crawl back in with Aida and sleep some before I got to work. Give him a kiss for me?"

Rysia chuckles, and nods, "Certainly." She looks yawns once more, then shambles her way out to deal with the day.

dorms, rp, rysia, essdara

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