Admissions over cocoa

Jul 16, 2006 09:42

Who: Aida, Essdara
Where: Infirmary, Kitchen HRW
When: Morning, Day 20 Month 1 Turn 2
Comment: Dara finds Aida to tell her something, and finds her dead on her feet, unfed, and pushing herself too hard.

The demeanor of the aide is at sharp contrast to the general mood of the infirmary; with a fall as bad as the last one was, things are decidedly tense and worn down in here even if the worst of things is over. Aida is against all odds apparently cheerful, smiling as she bustles around and checks on people, stopping here and there to chat, to reassure. Even at this hour, she's doing her best to keep those that are awake in light spirits. Sunny as can be. While it's tough going, she does at least get the occasional little smile from someone, or at least keeps away the darkest depressions from a few of them. Little anecdotes, distractions, every little trick she can pull, she's pulling. Anyone fairly familiar with the girl would see, though, that it's put on. It's not quite genuine. She's tired. Oh, so very tired.

It is 06:22 on day 19, month 1, turn 2 of the 7th Pass.

Essdara comes into the infirmiry from the bowl, rather than the caverns. She is wearing her normal outside gear, a flight jacket and gloves from her father, pulled tight around her. Once inside, she shakes the show off and looks around at the busy infirmary with a soft sigh. She slowly works her way through until she finds who she is looking for. Predictably, it's Aida, and she walks up to her with a slight smile. "Hey, Ai. Tell me you haven't been here all night?"

In the process of moving from one cot to another, Aida catches sight of her friend approaching and so deviates from her course, instead moving to meet her. The good news to counter the faint circles under her eyes would be that she's not limping any more. "I haven't been here all night," she returns, sliding in against Dara and promptly nestling close, arms lifting to wrap around the other girl so she can cling to her. "I hope you didn't mean I had to be truthful," she mumbles.

Essdara chuckles softly and wraps her arms around Aida, and pets her hair softly. "I never anticipated you would be, dearheart. That was a bad one, and I don't envy you having to put it back together. But you are amazing and strong and are good here."

"M'trying to keep people smiling," Aida murmurs into Dara's shoulder, closing her eyes and just slumping in against the other girl. "It was bad. So many wounded. I wish I was a real healer." And that's all the time that's given over for complaints; she straightens up enough to not be leaning, puts back on a smile. She doesn't withdraw from the hug, though. "It's been a long night, but it could be worse, yeah?"

Essdara squeezes her briefly. "It could be worse, but for now let's pretend it can't, and that you'll never have to go through this again, dearheart." She glances around, "Are you done, Aida, or is there more to do? Or, in other words... Tell me why I am not dragging you off to bed and holding you there until you fall asleep?"

"I'm..." Aida catches the look from a healer. She does. There is even a moment of a sheepish look. "Done. For now." This is ever so reluctantly admitted, and she exhales a soft sigh to go with it. "I'm not ready to sleep yet, though. I should eat something.'s been a while, I think."

Essdara nods, and presses a soft kiss into her hair. She tugs gently, trying to move Aida towards the passage to the living caverns. "Come on, dearheart. We'll start with a good breakfast and... Something special, I think, a drink made of milk and carob with a bit of cinnamon. Wonderful in cold weather, and great when you are tired but don't /want/ Klah to wake you up."

Aida goes along without any resistance, just lifting a hand to wave in the direction of the healer. Yeah, he expected her to be going soon -- and he even sends a grateful look towards Dara when the aide isn't looking his way. She, for her part, leans in against Dara and is led along, stifling a yawn. "That sounds good," she declares. "That sounds very good. Breakfast. Mmmmm."

(( Dara leads Aida into the kitchens ))

Essdara angles her into a table in the corner, the one the staff use when they are grabbing a bite between courses or just need to sit down a few minutes. A few glances are given the girls, but one look at the infirmary aide and noone raises a fuss. Once Dara gets her in the seat, she bustles about and procures her a hearty and fresh breakfast. Sweetened porridge, bacon, and some hard boiled eggs at set in front of her. "Get started on that while I make us a drink, ok?"

Aida nestles herself into her chair and curls up a bit, offering up a grateful smile to her friend when the food is placed in front of her. There is an apologetic look towards the rest of the kitchen staff, but she behaves herself and doesn't explain *or* protest, instead just sitting up again and starting to dig into the food. Hungry. "Okay," she agrees, after the first bite has been swallowed.

Essdara grabs a small tin of powdered baking carob from her normal workstation, and the cinnamon. Milk is found, and a small pot of it put over the fire. A few minutes pass and it is removed, things are combined, and Dara comes back to sit with Aida and put one of a pair of mugs before her. "I wish I could take credit for this recipe, but it was actually taught to me by the head cook. Warm milk is good for insomnia,and sometimes it's nice to have a bit extra in it." She smiles gently at Aida. "And don't worry about being here. Rumors fly well, and they know who my friends are." She doesn't mention that that's not a good thing, possibly. "Ain't noone in the weyr right now would say ill of someone working in the infirmary."

Aida eats, for those few minutes. Quite heavily, really. There is breathing between bites, but not much else. When Dara does finally return with the drinks, she offers up a grateful smile and reaches for her mug, lifting it for a sip before she replies. "I don't /do/ much," she points out, around another bite of food. "Just help the healers. This is /really/ good. I don't think I've ever had anything so very good." It sounds entirely sincere, too. "/Thank/ you. How's your night been?"

Essdara chuckles softly, "Hon, without someone to help the healers, how wuold anything get done? Take away all the Esmene's in this room, and do you think there will be lunch? Don't sell yourself short." She wraps her fingers around her mug. "Not bad. I stayed with Tavaly, actually, cause she rather needed it. I'm worried about her, to be honest, but that's nothing to think about /now/." A quiet moment, and a tender smile. "And would you like me to do something for you that will cheer you up immensely?"

"Tavaly...yeah, I'm worried about her too," Aida agrees, lips curving down into a slight frown. "I wish there was something that I could do for her. For all of them." A soft sigh is exhaled, and she takes another drink from the mug. There's nothing said about selling herself short -- at least she doesn't argue. That last question, it causes her to lift her eyebrow, tilt her head, and then nod slowly. "Yes...? Maybe?"

Essdara chuckles softly. "Not very enthusiastic there, dearheart, but I will chalk it up to being tired." She reaches into a pocket inside her jacket, and takes out a small packet, setting it in front of Aida. "I decided I don't want or need this, anymore. I thought perhaps you could dispose of it."

Lifting both eyebrows, Aida considers Dara and the little packet for a moment, then nods her head. She reaches out to pick up the little packet, wordlessly sliding it away into a pocket. "Thank you," she states, voice unusually solemn. "I can definitely get rid of it." Her mug and her spoon are set down so that she can reach across to take Dara's hand, give it a squeeze.

Essdara smiles tenderly at her, and returns the squeeze. "I won't lie and say it is just for you, Aida. But you were a big part of it. I don't need it anymore. It's been a big few days for me. I've spent a long time thinking, and deciding who I want to be. That means leaving behind things that are doing me no good. Things that make me sad. Things that once made me happy, and no longer do. And things that will never change, that have no future."

Another squeeze to the other girl's fingers, and then Aida lets Dara's hand go and settles back to pick up her spoon and mug again. Back to eating. "That...sounds good. Very, very, very good. I'm glad to hear it," she says. "I won't pry unless you want to talk about it, but...I will say I am very glad to hear it. Thank you."

Essdara shakes her head, "There isn't anything to talk about, Aida, but thank you. But no, I am ready now to walk forward and see what happens. Some things... They were really holding me back. Like Roa. For all I keep looking for romance, I know it would never work while I was focused on her. The resentment towards Sefton for saying what is true and unalterable. Children.... Well, that I can't /quite/ manage, but I can keep it from bothering me now until I know how to deal with it. I think that one will be maturity, something to accept as part of me as I continue to learn and grow."

Listening attentively, Aida smiles warmly as the other girl finishes, giving an easy nod of her head. "Good," she states quietly, between bites. "That's...really good. I'm yet happier to hear all of that. You...needed to get there, really. You' a much better place, now. Good."

Essdara smiles tenderly at her. "Doesn't mean I love /you/ any less, though. But you are different, and always have been. You really are the best friend I've had, Aida."

"Well, of course it doesn't mean you love me any less," Aida states, a 'duh' sort of tone to her voice. She flashes over a bright grin, lifting her mug to the other girl. "I'm not holding you back." Wink. "You're the best friend I've ever had, too."

Essdara chuckles. "I just wanted to be clear, cause I know you are tired. Now, why don't we get you into bed? Or do I need to give you a bath before you will consent to well-needed sleep? The choice is yours."

", I think I'll consent to sleeping," Aida admits, looking sheepish again as she polishes off the last few bites. "I don't think I could stay awake through a bath, honestly. I'm pretty dead on my feet."

(( Dara and Aida return to the dorms, where Dara lies with her until Aida is asleep. ))

rp, kitchens, infirmary, aida, essdara

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