Inspecting the guard

Jun 10, 2006 12:45

Who: Essdara, Kierom
Where: Living Caverns, HRW
When: Evening, day 4, month 12, turn 1 of the 7th Pass
Comment: I got to meet the newest guard, Kierom. An easy, fun scene, we'll meet again I am sure.

Kierom looks around a little uncetain, chewing on his lower lip, and when he sees Essdara arrive, he smiles slightly and straightens up.

Essdara has just come in from the kitchens, bearing a heavily loaded tray of foodstuffs for the serving tables. As she gets there and starts to resupply the platters there, she becomes aware of someone looking at her. Looking over to meet Kierom's gaze, and offers a smile back to him. "Good evening, sir." She says, politely.

Kierom bows slightly as he looks towards the exits a little and relaxes slightly, letting his smile broaden slightly. "Good evening ma'am." He then glances at the foodstuffs as well, almost chews on his lower lip, but obviously stopping himself. "How are you?"

Essdara chuckles a bit. "Please, if you are hungry, help yourself. We've enough for all, and it's fresh. I'm doing well, myself, if always a little busy around dinner time. I don't think I have had the pleasure of meeting you?"

Kierom blushes slightly. "I'm Kierom, a Guard recently stationed here and still trying to find my way around. And you are?"

"Essdara." The girl says, cheerfully. "One of the cooks here. Welcome to High Reaches, in winter no less! You must be under Jensen, then? He's a good person, I like him. Are you as closed-mouth as the rest about why we suddenly need guards?"

Kierom chuckles and nods. "Well, I am closed-mouthed, but of course I am one of the younger guards, so it's only on a 'need to know' basis with some stuff with me as well." He looks at the foodstuffs again and decides to start fixing a plate. "You've been here a while?"

Essdara grins impishly, "Only all my life, so not as long as some, but long enough." She sets her now-empty tray aside, and grabs a plate herself, to which she puts some of the fresh foods she just laid out. Sliced wherry, roast tubers, and meatrolls prominant. "Was there something you wanted to know about? How long have you been here, yourself? Checked in with Jensen?"

Kierom nods and frowns slightly. "Yes, I've checked in with him a little while ago." He seems to be going slightly heavy on the meatrolls and seems to be looking for something. He says, slightly embarraaed, "Well, I haven't quite gotten used to where everything is yet."

Essdara stays near with her now full plate. "Is there anything in particular you are having trouble finding? Like I said, I've been here all my life, so I know where almost everything is. Unless it's something with the Caucus, then I don't know anything."

Kierom checkles and looks one more time before he decides he has enough. "Well, I seem to be getting lost and turned around and not sure why."

Essdara motions towards a nearby table with open seats, which she walks towards. "Well, you found the living caverns, so at least you won't starve. The bathes are down in the lower caverns," She motions that way, "So you can stay clean. Oh, but they are closed, so have to use the hot springs where the dragons bathe. The guards are at the south end of the bowl, I think. But if you saw Jensen, you know that, too. Kitchens are over there, that's where you can find /me/ most of the time; very important to know, that. Anywhere else, I'm sure Jensen can tell you where you need to be?"

Kierom follows her lead and sits next to Essdara and listens to what she says. "I'm sure I'll get used to it and will remember where the Kitchen is." He smiles at Essdara, "I'm sure it will be quite interesting here."

Essdara chuckles a bit. "Oh, it definately is. Especially in winter, when people start to get really weyr-bound. When there's snow covering most of the bowl, people tend to stay in, and so it gets crowded and... Testy."

Kierom nibbles on a meatroll, and then swallows. "I'm sure they do. This much snow will take getting used to, but I'm sure it will be fine." He chews on his lower lip slightly before returning to his meatroll.

Essdara says, "Where did you say you are from? Somewhere with snow?" She chuckles. "I feel sorry for the Caucus people from places like Ista, Igen, or Boll... They just don't know how to cope with the cold."

Kierom chuckles and nods. "Well, I'm from Big Bay originally, but have been trained as a guard in Nabol." He shifts a little nervously. "So there are people here from everywhere?"

Essdara nods. "Yeah, pretty much. Seen most places represented, all the crafts, most of the holds, all the weyrs... It makes for an interesting mix of people, especially for those places with rivalries in place. Never boring!"

Kierom nods and smiles, his eyes looking around a bit as he shifts. "Anyone here you met from Big Bay originally besides me?"

"Can't say I remember hearing the name, but there's a /lot/ of people here, more than I can know personally. Especially in the Caucus." She takes a bite from a meatroll and is quiet a moment. "I'm sure Jensen has been keeping track, though. Seems like the type who wants to know where everyone is from."

Kierom relaxes somewhat and takes a bite of the meatroll in his hand. "I'm sure he does keep track. He seems thorough and was asking how I came to be here and got such a good refernce from the Lieutenant from Nabol."

Essdara looks at the guard curiously for a long moment, but apparently opts not to pry, instead looking down at her emptying plate. "Well, welcome, regardless. It's a good place to live, if you give it the chance. But, alas, I have to get back to my own work presently. Any last questions before the kitchens swallow me whole again?"

Kierom smiles at Essdara. "Living here would be nice I believe, and no questions I can think of right now." He thinks for a moment to make sure and smiles. "Do you mind if I pop in and ask if I think of anything?"

Essdara nods, stnading with her plate. "Any time you need, you're welcome to stop by. I'm always willing to offer a newcomer a hand, or a snack, or whatever." A bright smile, and a wave. "Have a good day, Guard Kierom."

Kierom smiles at her and waves. "Thank you, ummm, Essdara," he stumbles as if unsure of her title and shakes his head. "Thank you."

You make your way into the hustle and bustle of the Weyr's kitchens.

rp, first-meeting, kierom, lc, essdara

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