When'd you go and grow up on me?

Jun 09, 2006 19:13

Who: Essdara, T'zen
Where: Store rooms, High Reaches Weyr
When: The day after Tavaly's visit
Comment: We played this scene as before T'zen's latest with Tavaly, because we both thought it would fit better there. It was a blast, and Dara shows a lot of herself to T'zen, who is oblivious.

T'zen is buried deep in one aisle of the massive storage cavern, rummaging through various lengths of leather straps. Some lay in a pile at his feet already. He now sports a bandage on his right palm, a result of the earlier straps incident.

Essdara stalks into the room intently, with a focues expression on her face. Glancing around, she spots the light from T'zen's work and goes towards it. "T'zen, is that you?" She says, loudly. "I know you are in here!"

The bluerider glances up from the box he's been poking around in, and calls back. "Ess? Over here! Just huntin' down some new riding straps. Shells, not looking forward to remaking it."

Essdara snorts. "Got what you deserve, if you ask me, keeping secrets from your best friend and all!" She glowers at him when she comes up to where he is. "Do you have /any/ idea what /I/ learned about last night? And /not/ from who I should have?"

Whoah, warpath. T'zen instictively steps around behind the stack of boxes, handfuls of straps held at ready, as though he could use them to defend himself somehow. "Whoah, there, Ess. Keepin' secrets? Me?" He laughs nervously. "What in Faranth's name are you talking about?" His eyes flicker as he takes a mental list of what of many things she /could/ be talking about.

Essdara jabs a finger at him, stalking him around the table. "You know sharding well what I am talking about! And making her /cry/ no less, that's just unforgivable! You better explain yourself, and quickly, or I am going to be very upset with you. And when I get upset? YOu don't eat!"

T'zen recoils backwards at the pointing finger, eyes wide in confusion. "I do? I.." Wait. Her. Cry. Only one of those in recent memory. He blinks rapidly as he starts grasping what the angry kitchen helper is jabbing at. "Ah. Heh. Heard 'bout that, did you? Well, that.. ah, weyrling was gettin' on m'case. Not so much my fault she shed tears an' all. I mean.. eh. How /did/ you hear about that?" Oh, he's afraid alright. Been trying very hard to stay on the good side of meatroll girl.

Essdara growls. "How did I? Well, it /seems/ certain weyrlings have been given weyrs. And it /seems/ that Tavaly needed a pillow." Proper name used; she's not mincing words. "And it happens that we got to talking while we were finding her one, and she assumed I knew." She glares at him again. "SHE has some smarts, at least. So we talked a bit. On your case? Not your fault? Damn it, T'zen, you are either blind or stupid if you think that's true." She smirks, "Or was she just something to pass the time, that you aredone with now that the thrill of the illicit romance is gone?"

The bluerider has a momentary flashback of Essdara. And wandering briefly through those memories, he can indeed conclude one thing. She's never been this pissed. "/Tav/ told you?" It shouldn't be surprising, and yet T'zen seems surprised nevertheless. And if she was the source.. shells. And he echoes half-interested amid the shock, "She's got a weyr?" It's finally when the words "illicit romance" comes out that the rider finally is shocked into defiance. "Say what?! You mean Tav and me?! Ho! Ess, I don't know what yer thinkin'.. but I ain't wooin' no weyrling. You got it all wrong!"

Essdara snorts, and sighs. "You may not have been trying to, T'zen, but you certainly did it, and I don't think that you are at all ignorant of that fact. Certainly, what /she/ said seemed to indicate there was more there than just late night acrobatics. Or at least a different kind. Now answer me plainly, T'zen. 'Cause I turned down a rather nice though about a night with her, cause of you, and I'd like to know if I should see if it's still open. What are your intentions with Tavaly, and why on Pern haven't you weyrmated her already?"

It's been his mantra for a while, and it's rather hard to let go. "I ain't wooin' a weyrling," he mutters again, and then eyes the girl before him closely, hands dropping to his sides as the initial sense of danger subsides. "She told you we was flyin', eh?" he says, shaking his head. "Funny. That's supposed to be secret. Might as well tell the whole weyr." His gaze intensifies on the girl. "And.. you.. and Tav?" The concept wasn't so bad before when he didn't have his own investment on the matter. He looks at the straps in his hands, and sighs. "Well, first, figured you've been 'round here long enough to know weyrmatin' a /weyrling/ ain't quite the order of the day. That's what they's do when they graduate weyrlingdom. And I ain't budgin' on that. Bad enough word's gettin' out 'bout me doin' stuff under R'vain's nose." He glances at the girl again. "And maybe I didn't say nothin' to ya 'cause I didn't think of it as somethin'." He tosses the straps to the ground. "Well, Ess, you've always been good t'me." Whatever that was intended to lead towards seems to fade. He shakes his head. "She was right mad at me, she was. Don't know she's all that interested in comin' back."

Essdara can't hide the hurt look when he says about telling the whole weyr. "I'm not the whole weyr, T'zen. I'm me. And I though I was at least friend enough to be trusted with something important. I don't care about the rules, or appearances, or words, you know that. But I know what I saw last night. Not interested in coming back? She doesn't understand why you got upset at her, why you yelled at her, but that won't change one thing. She loves you. And if you don't return that, then you best tell her soon before she gets even more hurt." Her voice turns almost wistful. "I like her, and I like you, and I think you will be good together. But if it's not what you want, then tell her, and don't hurt her any more than she is. If you do love her, T'zen... Then you shouldn't be in here worried about straps, you should be trying to make sure she's not crying anymore. Noone should have to cry over someone who DOES love them."

T'zen listens quietly, his look turning contrite. "Love me, she does?" he says quietly, and hms to himself, bending over to gather straps again, mostly to gather his own thoughts as well. He straightens again, offering a lopsided grin at the girl. "Believe me, Ess. You are the first to know 'bout most anything. No.. I suppose I didn't tell you 'bout our outings. But I didn't tell anybody else, either. And.." he pauses, scratching his head with a handful of straps. "Well, maybe I was hoping if I didn't say it, it didn't really exist. That some weyrling was gettin' the better of me." He quickly amends, "Or I mean to say.. well.. Ain't nobody's cared 'bout me like she does. And I haven't 'xactly known what to do 'bout it." He chuckles with a shrug. "I've had others in my weyr before. Never cared 'bout it's state. But when I think of her there, I get afraid she won't like what she sees. I'm a bit behind on organizin' and such." He stares at the straps in his hands. "And she worries 'bout me. And I'm findin' I'm startin' to worry 'bout her, too. Eats me up inside."

Essdara says, softly, "I know how you feel, T'zen, believe me. Why do you think I spend so much time telling you to be careful up there, and to not get scored, or anything like that?" She shakes her head, and chuckles. "Because for better or for worse, I love you, and my life would be a lot emptier without you. I don't have many people I care about, but I do care about you. And I don't think you can screw this up. I don't think she will let you." A smirk. "I told her she should just move in, and wait and see how long it takes you to notice."

T'zen deflates a bit, "Aw, Ess. And I keep tellin' you- and Tav! That you shouldn't worry 'bout me. I ain't survivin' up there by bein' careful, but by bein' shardin' good." And then he smiles at the girl. "Well, shards, girl, you'll make me blush're somethin'." He reaches out to tussle the girl's hair. "Gettin' all serious on me." And then he pauses, stepping back to give the girl a quick lookover. "Ess? When'd you go and grow up on me? You ain't that lil' girl what I used to remember." He stands beaming at the girl for a moment, before something occurs to him, and he looks worried again. "Tav wouldn't /dare/.."

Essdara blushes a bit. "When you weren't looking, clearly..." She answers, uncomfortably. "No, T'zen, I fear she wouldn't. Even if it would be the most effective and efficient way to deal with the situation. You might notice, though, if she cleaned up. Have to warn her not to do that, I think." She says, teasingly. Then, back to serious. "Talk to her. T'zen? Please? She's a good person, and she'd be good for you."

The bluerider sighs. "Dunno what I'd say. But I will, Ess. I guess." He gathers several straps together under one arm, and reaches out to snug the girl around the shoulders. "I do hope you let me continue to eat."

Essdara hugs him back, fiercely. "T'zen, you can eat anything you want, I promise." She lets go and slips away with a smile.

rp, stores, t'zen, essdara

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