I'm at this moment on the verge of tears because of something so ridiculous I can't put it into words, and the fact that I have to take this to lj just makes it worse. My external hard drive, Cuddy, appears to be dying, and is taking with it 300 gigs of anime, music, and TV shows.
I can't count the number of times I've left my computer on all-night, and thus indirectly contributed to global warming, just to get stuff downloaded onto her. Nor the number of times she's given me joy via duct tape or through letting me gank lord knows how much stuff from someone else's compy. Tomorrow I was planning on going to
daemonitellma's place and watching gundamoo off her, and I was probably not going to like that show, but it was something to do with my friends, and I cherish doing stuff like that with others like almost nothing else in this world, which says a good deal about me, I'm sure. SHIT FUCK CUNT ASS WHORE GODDAMMIT.