It's an old trend; every time there's a hero, there's a girl/woman watching him flying around with little hearts in her eyes and an expression that says: 'I'll get him!' The worst part is: they usually do. Lois Lane got into Superman's pants, Mary-Jane Watson plays bondage in the webs of Spiderman, and Ginny Weasley makes Harry Potter clones sprout all over the place. (Notice how being a redhead definitely helps getting a ring.)
But what about the other girls? The Lana Langs, Gwen stacys and Cho Changs that got to them first and see them flying away in the sunset with their new girls?
Well, actually, I don't really care about Lana and Gwen. (Especially since I already know which one dies and which one becomes a TV star.) But I wondered about Cho.
Cho is special compared to the two others, because she has a Hero kink. *hums 'I need a Hero'*
I wonder who's next in her Hero-hunting quest. I can make a guess though.
She would so go for the next one on her list!
Actually, I can see it happening like this:
Ginny sure is a devious one!