Life progresses. Laziness abounds. I can haz gout. Which in the grand scheme of things might prove beneficial as it forces my diet down certain routes. Farewell Marmite, I'll miss you.
Here, have a video. Loving this track. Also loving other tracks by her. Looking forward to the album.
Reply to this post and I'll assign you a letter. List (and upload/link) 5 songs you love that begin with that letter. Post them to your journal with these instructions.
5 songs that start with M, thanks to
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I'm aware some of you, for what reasons I cannot fathom, do not read Questionable Content. However, I can recommend checking out the author's* top 10 albums of the year list. I discovered the joys of The Flaming Lips via QC and am now working through this list, which is mostly available on Spotify* Author? Artist? Creator
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Bugger. Had the original edit for this eaten. Anyway, here's two songs. One recent, one not so but connected by this particular oddity. They're both songs which when I first heard them I thought I had heard them before. Driven by the chorus in the main
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Heard this on the radio on the way in this morning. Which made me very much want to watch this video. Which is one of the most awesome things ever. Much happy. Much sharing.
I listen to Radio 2 in the car. Which means Terry Wogan in the mornings and Chris Evans in the evenings. Chris is on holiday at the moment though so it is Simon Mayo.
Occasionally the radio really makes me smile. Last night Simon had Adrian Edmondson on the show. Not for comedic reasons but because he is currently touring as part of The Bad
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I fancied something different. So I punched in the name of the artist of a track used in a recent WoW video. J-Pop. The result was reasonably on target. Unfortunately it was followed by Double. Apparently there is a J-Pop artist with that name. Sadly, whilst knows this it decided to play be Captain of Her Heart instead. I can cope with that
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