Who's that wearin' those silly shoes?

Jul 25, 2005 23:23


I woke up, did my quiet time (yay for actually doing it!) and then got ready because at 11:30, Katie Lynn picked me up do to some fun bonding at Chick-fil-a. We've decided that Chick-fil-a is a great place for bonding. It just happens. So we sat around for about three hours just talking and stuff. Well, mostly she talked because I don't really have much to say. But it was fun. We made a mess of our cups.

After that I came home, talked to Kirk for about 20 minutes, then watched Guess Who. Didn't really like it at all. Can I have my time back, please? Although, I did get to see the preview for Rent. I really want to see it. I haven't been able to listen to the music yet, though. Okay, I'm hitting up Blane for the soundtrack. (Just to let him know.)

My parents took me out to dinner because of my camp decision and stuff and them being proud of me. That was pretty cool. Then my mom and I went to Kohls and I ended up buying sheets and stuff for my dorm. I still haven't called Molly. I was hoping she'd call me, but I guess not. I'm determined to call her tomorrow. I told my dad that if neither one of us wants to make the first move, if we are both that shy, when we get to college we're not going to have any friends, we'll sit in our dorm all day staring at each other. My brother asked me who my roommate was and I told him, "Molly Melton. That's right. We'll be Donna Dyer and Molly Melton. And, yes, that is how we'll be known."

Anyway, I just got off the phone with Kirk again. It was good talking to him. It's been over a week now. I miss that kid. Aww, my hero, he brought me a Phantom of the Opera program back from Houston! Haha, he said he and Blane were fighting over which one of them my mom loved more! Those kids crack me up. :) Aww, they make me smile.

So tomorrow I will be ordering my bridesmaid dress for Kari's wedding. Then I guess my afternoon is free until the youth BBQ at the Clardy's house. Ooh, I'm excited! :D (Memo to self: take chips.)

Okay, I'll see (talk to) you guys later!!
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