Not-so-misc recs: Good Omens, BtVS

Jul 28, 2005 01:48

Good Omens
Either Good Omens writers are just better than average, or this fandom really hits my buttons. Or both. Anyway, here's a few more recs for those with overlapping buttons...

East of Eden, by Shati

'"Our mum said no talking to serpents," said Cain. "She said serpents was evil liars."' Some passages in the Bible just seem to cry out for GO treatment. Shati's version of events is ever so plausible

Intent, by Honey

'Paul (formerly Saul, Rome's favorite persecutor of Christians, women, homosexuals, and people they just didn't like) was now a full time Christian missionary, as well as a part time sidewalk preacher, miracle worker, and, if he'd had enough wine, interpretive dancer.' One of the neatest things about GO fanfiction is the liberty to re-envisage tricky parts of the Bible, and Honey's picked a winner here. Highly amusing

Like Angels in Heaven, by Daegaer

A disturbing story set in 1930s Singapore which reveals a darker side to the Arrangement. Little humour, but the subtle characterisations & strong dialogue make up for it

Revisited and Riding Out, by Patrick Phelan

A rare Pepper-centric coda. A bit light on plot, but closer to the style of the original than much GO fanfiction, and with a scattering of fantastic lines

The Sacred and the Profane, by afrai

I won't spoil the premise, but this well-written AU novella examines a very dark possibility for another way that events might have panned out. The alternative Crowley is a particular delight

July also seems to be Stultiloquentia month...

Campfire Tale for the End of Days, by Stultiloquentia

'So. A very long time ago, Demons walked the earth. Stomped, also. Flew. Slithered, swam, percolated, oozed.' This clever take on the First Slayer legend packs a surprising amount into its brief span

rec, good omens, buffy

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