A few bullet points masquerading as a fannish update

Oct 01, 2015 00:48

I've been defeating the object of Fanlore's Stub September by adding lots of new articles -- three fans, three Buffyverse female vampires and a lot of Blake's 7 articles, mainly websites & essays, but also one on Dayna.

I just missed my pre-Yuletide comments challenge; I was on about 47 comments when the nominations were announced. (My target was 50.) The experience of trying to comment more frequently has made me understand why I usually just click the kudos button.

I've nominated for Yuletide (Sharing Knife, Philip Marlowe novels & Twin Peaks) but looking at the other nominations I fear I might have too few fandoms to offer to sign up formally.

Rewatching The Lord of the Rings extended edition at an hour a night with Mr EA. Currently exactly at the halfway point.

Still not writing, but hopefully seeing off the various builders for a little while will help, eventually. Is it Pico time yet?

Crossposted from Dreamwidth (with
replies). Reply wherever you prefer

fanlore, writer's block, yuletide

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