Yuletide recs IV -- Women

Oct 29, 2014 23:10

Female friendships, family bonds, women growing & redefining themselves, women being awesome in all the ways available to them...

**Top ten selections

in silence, and in splendor, by mjules
'She thinks it was neater the first time, the way she grew inside her grave-clothes, inside the rituals of the Nameless Ones.' A beautifully written study of Tenar after Tombs that retreads some old ground, but emerges somewhere fresh by the end

Goblin Market
Nectar of the Honeymen, by Borusa**
'The honeymen do not sell their drug. You cannot buy it in a little pouch; you cannot take it home in a vial. They guard its secret jealously, because they could not stand competition.' An inventive re-envisioning of the poem in a dystopic future, featuring a wonderful Lizzie, grimly practical in her love for her sister

The Last of the Wine (Mary Renault)
Cobbler's Tales, by Zopyrus**
'"When I have 'learned how to be virtuous,' I want to go downstairs and meet your friends," said Mikka. "Especially the ugly man who worries about cows."' Simon the cobbler's new interest in philosophical discussions has repercussions for his family. An enjoyable quiet piece that doesn't take the easy route of embracing anachronistic class/gender roles

Power of Three (Diana Wynne Jones}
The Wooing of Adara, by Thimblerig
'She was wondering aloud whether she'd catch any rabbits the next time she went on the Hunt (because they made the best gloves) when Adara, her brows still furrowed, asked Selni why she wasn't a Hunter.' This enjoyable backstory-cum-romance captures Adara's character, and Thimblerig supplies flashes of sly humour plus plenty of precise details to expand on DWJ's world

Singin' in the Rain
To The Stars, by Beatrice Otter
'Twelve times twelve always equaled 144; baking soda always reacted with vinegar. All you had to do was memorize the steps and follow them correctly, and you'd get the right answer. They never said you were a wonderful actress with a stunning personality in one moment and a hack and a harpy the next.' Lina takes up rocket science after the film. A wonderful example of how the crackiest of premises can be made to work (and the example of Hedy Lamarr suggests it's not as cracky as all that!)

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rec, rarelit, misc film, diana wynne jones, yuletide, earthsea

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