Podfic of The Eaten One, by Daegaer

Oct 06, 2012 03:06

daegaer kindly gave me permission to record her lovely Earthsea ficlet, The Eaten One, mumble mumble months back, but technical problems (read ancient laptop) prevented me from completing it till now. This is one of the first Earthsea stories I read, and instrumental in getting me into the fandom: I highly recommend it.

mp3 | streaming (at AO3) (5.6 MB; 6 min 01s)

For my
podfic_bingo square 'Read Sadly'.

firerose's Podfic Bingo!Fairy TaleRecord While Lying DownNo EditingRead DrunkenlyNonEnglish LanguageRead Sadly<10 Minutes LongIncorporate Verbal EffectsRead Quickly (for you)AbridgeRead without CuesFemslashWild Card!AngstRecord in a New LocationRecord Standing UpRepod a PodficIncorporate Sound EffectsRead LoudlyKinkyIncorporate Physical SoundHarlequinFemale CharacterRead with SilenceRead Animatedly

Bold: Done
Italics: Have filled with audiofics assigned to other squares
Underline: Very scary
Strikethrough: Looking for swaps

Comments on the recording quality welcome!

Crossposted from Dreamwidth (with
replies). Reply wherever you prefer

audiofic, earthsea

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