Sometimes one is in the mood for 'more of' rather than 'more from'. Here are 6 stories that fit perfectly into canon. *** marks my top ten.
American Gods
The Man in the Gaberdine Suit, by Merlin Missy ***
'He doesn't have a plan. Plans shatter regularly, teacups on a parquet floor. Instead of planning Shadow visualizes an image, not as sharp as snow, but simple like the smell of fresh pie.' Lovely tone with a real feel of the original, working inevitably towards the perfect ending
Blackadder's Fifth Column, by Kerrypolka
'Bobbie's eyes widened. "Oh, wicked," she said. "Are you a suit here to subvert the dominant paradigm? That is immense. Why don't you sign up for the finance committee?"' This episode from the fifth season, set during Occupy London, is mysteriously missing from the BBC archives. Hilarious
HP Lovecraft
The Blood From the Sea, by Lispeth
'Though they never died afloat, the Pabodie dead were always buried at sea, a tradition which had given the name an unholy savor in New England lore.' A wonderful slow-building sense of dread characterises this old-fashioned tale
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Love and Languish for His Sake, by Alchemine
'For while all faeries are creatures of earth, the King's domain is verdant grass, is cool mist, is the quick living deer in the glade and the bursting fullness of ripe berries; and he, Puck, is for the crackling dead leaf, the rotting carcass, the strange fungus that sprouts up overnight.' An interesting glimpse of the fairy side of the play, with language as beautiful as its subject is not
Pan's Labyrinth
Returning to the Deep, by Tristesses
'Mercedes' dreams are redolent of loam and damp earth, ripe with drops of water splashing on old stone like the clicking of insect's feet, wet like Ofelia's blood on her hands, sinking into her skirt.' I was rather worried about Pan's Labyrinth fanfiction, because the film is so perfect, but this futurefic is poignant & ambiguous, just as it should be
Peter Pan
A Dream of Wind, by Culumacilinte
'But there is another sort of boy as well; those who feel that they ought to grow up, that being a man is a far more interesting and reputable thing to be than a boy, and that the world, besides, is made for men, not those still in short trousers and buckled shoes.' Subtle character study of George Darling, which deftly mingles magic & prosaic
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