(no subject)

Jan 24, 2005 19:25

I would like to start by sayiong that all the past post's codes have been cracked and answered by me. So if you want to know what they said, although they are sad and blah blah blah, caode are always fun. So go back into my past entries and find out what I was really saying.

A quick couple of shout outs before we get to the actual entry.

Swirlychick  - I went to the library, but you were really REALLY busy looking so I just left. Haven't seen your car out there since so I haven't. That was on Tuesday.

eyecouldbe  - Hello. you should give me a call, then again, evryone should. I still have gifts for the babies and and now I have a favor to ask. But I think you, your sister and I should get toather if the weath stops... um... blowing a goat.

drumrollplease - Hi.

whatshewanted - Thanks for that conversation earlier in the week. You always seem to make me feel better.

I have a Tivo. Now, for those of you who don't own a Tivo, I'll tell you how it works. You program shows that you want to watch and it will tape it. Then, later on, you can go back and watch the show at a better time for you. Unfortunately, when the show is taping, you cannot change the channel... no matter what. So, if something you don't like is on, you have to suffer. My aunt was taping some news program for god knows what reason. There was a little segment on the tsunami ordeal.  It was very touching. I'm not being a jerk, I mean it, it was very touching! They talked about how seeing the horror gave people a realization of how important life was. How, now, they all say they say how much they care about their loved ones just in case something happens. They talked about comfort, caution, and how important it is to spend time with the ones yo love.

That made me realize something. My mother hates me, My grandmother won't even except Christams cards from me, my friends are so far away they can't hang out with me, the love of my life keeps hurting me over and over again, and I don't get phone calls from anyone anymore. I have no loved ones except for my Dad and my aunt. Now, it's too late. I can't just get Cheryl back, I can't just stop my mother from hating me, I can't just move back to Revere. It's depressing.

I've realized that with all this going on, I don't feel sad, I don't feel mad, I don't feel much of anything, yet, it's not a sense of apathy, I have a lot of care for what I feel. It's not good, but I can't cry about anything, I can;'t throw a tantrum, I can't really do much of anything. As stupid as it sounds... I think I'm broken. I've been through so much disappointment over the course of my seventeen years that I'm just broken. Oh well, now I'm just rambling. I haven't seen anyone in four days. It would be nice to get a phone call to just talk. That would be surprising. Good surprising. A surprise that would be good. Good would make me happy. A phone call from someone would be a surprise that would be good thus, making me happy.



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