[PoT]:: Kirihara/Hiyoshi, Billy C/Kevin Smith, Niou/Yagyuu.

Feb 21, 2012 10:29

Title: A Friendly Wager
Pairing: Kirihara/Hiyoshi
Rating/Contains/Word count: G/569
Disclaimer: I do not own, nor do I make profit from Prince of Tennis
Summary: In which Kirihara's worries are relieved.
Notes: Please let me know your thoughts/constructive crit/comments.

For avery_f_price.

Kirihara dropped his bag onto the bleachers, and sat down heavily next to it. On the courts there was a match going on, between two schools that really weren’t any of his time. But it was a chance to get away from everything and just focus on Rikkai’s upcoming match. He wasn’t too worried about Seiagku, actually a little relieved that they’d be playing them, rather than Hyotei.

He had snuck off from the rest of his team to watch Hyotei play, keeping out of the line of sight so he wouldn’t distract Hiyoshi. But he knew the other boy knew he was there. There was an intensity to the match that wasn’t there normally. Kirihara rubbed at his temples, shifting his weight to sit with his legs folded under him. He was a little worried about how his thoughts always went back to the other boy, and he often wondered what Hiyoshi was doing. They had hung out a few times together, and Kirihara was still a little unsure of the tension between them.

"You stand out you know that?"

Kirihara looked up to see Hiyoshi sitting next to him. "I wasn’t a distraction."

"You were." Hiyoshi shrugged. "It’s irritating."

"I’m trying to focus."

"I can tell." Hiyoshi reached out, fingers tangling in Kirihara’s hair. The simple touch sent a thrill through him, and he tipped his head into the motion. "You look worried."

"I’m not worried. Seigaku isn’t anything without Tezuka."

"I hear Kaidoh is doing well on his own though."

"Are you trying to encourage me? Because if you are, you really have to work on your pep talks." Kirihara pulled away, muttering under his breath.

"Don’t let him get in your head."

"I won’t." Kirihara responded, instantly. "Don’t worry. I’ll make sure it’s a good game for you."

"What makes you think I’m going to come watch your game?"

"You came looking for me didn’t you?"

"I wonder why." Hiyoshi looked past him, down onto the courts.


"Why I’m drawn to you."

Kirihara looked away, feeling the color rise on his cheeks. "I was thinking the same thing."

"What do you want to do about it?" Hiyoshi asked.

Kirihara shrugged. "Why don’t we figure it out after my match?" He gnawed on his thumbnail, avoiding Hiyoshi’s gaze. "I mean, after the award ceremony and everything. We could go get something to eat." There were butterflies in his stomach, and thankfully his voice remained steady.

"That sounds good." Hiyoshi looked away from him, Kirihara was pleased to see color on his face.

"Good." Kirihara got up, reached for his bag. "I have to go warm up. Try not to be intimidated when I play."

Hiyoshi snorted as he stood. "Wait." He picked up his bag, walking up the steps with Kirihara. "Your play is good, but it’s hardly intimidating." They walked side by side toward the courts where Rikkai was playing. Before they got too close, Hiyoshi tugged him aside.

"What?" Kirihara looked at him confused when they ducked into the space between two buildings. He blinked, blushing darker when Hiyoshi leaned in and kissed his cheek.

"Good luck," Hiyoshi let go of him, walking out, back ramrod straight, head held high. Kirihara almost called out to him, but thought better of it, considering Hiyoshi had kissed his cheek, maybe, just maybe he could convince the other boy to kiss him again. After his match.

Title: Urban Playground.
Pairing: Billy C/Kevin Smith.
Rating/Contains/Word count: G/557
Disclaimer: I do not own, nor do I make profit from Prince of Tennis
Summary: In which Billy gets lost.
Notes: Please let me know your thoughts/constructive crit/comments.

For avery_f_price.

Billy was in awe of the city. Everywhere he turned there was something new to look at, something exciting, something happening. It was overwhelming, constantly stimulating, and he couldn’t get enough of it. He was happily lost downtown, amid the constant stream of people. He glanced up, looking at the sky, framed by high rises and skyscrapers.

The lack of open space made him sad at times, as well as the lack of green. The press of people at times was too much as well. He leaned against one of the buildings, getting his bearings, out of the rush of the sidewalk. He glanced around concerned, realizing that he was very lost, with no recognizable landmarks.

"I told you that if you were going to go wandering around, you should at least go with someone."

Billy glanced to his left, spotting Kevin near him. "I thought I could actually get out this time."

Kevin barked out a laugh, "You did this last time." Billy watched as the other boy approached him. "Come on." Billy followed as Kevin led him down a few side alleys.

"Where are we going?"

Kevin didn’t answer right away. Billy caught up to him, walking alongside him, hands jammed in his pockets. "You’ll see," was the eventual answer.

"This kind of reminds me of when I went to the Grand Canyon." Billy said, a little uncomfortable with the silence. "All these buildings, stretching up impossibly high, almost like the walls of the canyon. It makes you feel so small." Next to him, Kevin only shrugged.

"You would see it that way." Though harsh, there wasn’t any sting to the other boy’s words. "You should look at it as something to climb and rise above."

Billy nodded, thinking of how far he had come, and how far he wanted to go. There were things that he wanted to, places he had yet to see, and so many people to meet. "You don’t ever see yourself as smaller than you are do you, Kevin."

"Never," a definitive answer. "You’re insignificant if you believe yourself to be."

Billy reached out, grabbing the other boy by the sleeve of his shirt. "But each individual is important." There was a certain heat between them, something that Billy recognized almost immediately. He liked the way Kevin’s eyes widened and the slight hitch to the other boy’s breath. "But isn’t it true that a true test of an individual’s character is how they grow in response to one another?"

Kevin blinked up at him, apparently speechless. Billy took that moment, and tipped Kevin’s chin up, closing the space between them and kissing the other boy. In his mind it was rather romantic, tucked away in the shade of impossibly tall buildings, with the noise of the city surrounding them. To him, there was nothing more perfect than that one cinematic moment. Until, at least Kevin kissed him back. Their kiss lasted only moments, and when Kevin pulled away, Billy was left star-struck and dazed.

"Come on." Kevin sounded a little unsteady; there was a dull flush to his skin. "The park’s not too far from here. I thought you might like to see some of that nature-type stuff." A glance back at Billy, almost shy, "I figured you got tired of being surrounded by steel and glass all the time."

Title: Still of Night.
Pairing: Niou/Yagyuu
Rating/Contains/Word count: G/633
Disclaimer: I do not own, nor do I make profit from Prince of Tennis
Summary: In which Niou drags Yagyuu out at night.
Notes: Please let me know your thoughts/constructive crit/comments.

For avery_f_price.

Come outside. The text arrived a few minutes after midnight. Yagyuu read it, and strongly considered deleting it when his phone vibrated again.

I know you’re awake. Put your shoes on and come outside. Carefully, Yagyuu put his phone down, and reached for his jeans. He was already dressed for bed, and he knew that it wouldn’t be much longer before Niou would get annoyed with being ignored. Yagyuu turned off his bedroom light, and crept through the house, cautiously, hoping that his parents had already gone to bed. He breathed a quiet sigh of relief when the front room was empty. He put his shoes back on, grabbed a coat, and his key, slipping out the front door.

"What is so important that it couldn’t wait until morning, Niou-kun?"

Niou looked up from his phone, the illumination from the back-light casting weird shadows on his face. "I needed to talk to you."

"That doesn’t answer the question." Yagyuu leaned against the fence, hands jammed in his pockets. It was cold outside, and it also cut down on the urge to ruffle Niou’s hair. He glanced at the other boy, grateful for the fence separating them. Yagyuu felt as though he couldn’t trust himself around Niou. There was too much temptation, and too many ideas that sent weird feelings through him. For some reason he was focused on Niou’s hair, which looked unbelievably soft, despite the years of bleaching and the amount of junk he put in it.

"I needed to talk to you alone. Without anyone interrupting, or overhearing." Niou shifted his weight from foot to foot. Yagyuu looked away, the scrutiny of the other boy’s gaze too much.

"Is everything alright?"

"It’s nothing to worry about." Niou dismissed Yagyuu’s concern with the wave of a hand. "I just had something to ask you, and I wanted to just ask you without anyone else around."

"Why?" Yagyuu asked carefully.

"It’s delicate." Niou responded. A few minutes spanned between them, Niou constantly shifting his weight. Yagyuu barely restrained the urge to reach across the fence and shake the question from the other boy.

"Niou-kun, it’s late. I’m tired, and I’m getting cold." Yagyuu pushed his glasses up his nose. "Please, can this wait until morning?"

"No." Niou reached across the fence, hand in Yagyuu’s shirt. He tugged hard, Yagyuu falling forward the few steps between them, hands braced on the fence. The wood bit into his fingers, and he was dangerously off balance, but that didn’t matter. All that mattered was the fact that Niou was kissing him, and he liked it. Yagyuu groaned low in his throat, responding to the kiss, feeling warmth spread through him.

Yagyuu pried his hand off the fence, fingers sliding into Niou’s hair, which was as soft as it looked, and slightly damp. He flushed, images of Niou in the shower coming to him. A small sound came from him when Niou pulled away, lips parted, gasping softly. "Why’d you stop?"

"Because I got my answer." Niou sounded a little breathy. "I wanted to, and I wanted to know if you wanted to, and it was eating me up on the inside." Yagyuu watched as Niou took a few steps away from the fence, a slight smile on his face. "And now I know."

Yagyuu cast a glance back to his house, which was still dark. "Want to come in?" His parents were used to Niou randomly showing up, and there wouldn’t be too many questions in the morning. He didn’t bother waiting for a response, simply unlocking the fence, and pulling the gate open.

"It’s warmer inside." Niou stepped through the gate, letting it slam closed behind him. Yagyuu grinned, and then headed back up to house, knowing Niou was only a step behind him.

fic:gift [avery_f_price], s: prince of tennis, c: hiyoshi wakashi, c: kirihara akaya, c: niou masaharu, c: yagyuu hiroshi

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