[PoT]:: Kirihara/Hiyoshi.

Feb 21, 2012 08:27

Title: Challenge Accepted
Pairing: Kirihara/Hiyoshi
Rating/Contains/Word count: G/653
Disclaimer: I do not own, nor do I make profit from Prince of Tennis
Summary: In which the two bicker. And flirt.
Notes: Please let me know your thoughts/constructive crit/comments.

For everlind.

The bus lurched to a stop, Kirihara jerking out of his nap. He rubbed wearily at his eyes, peering out the window. "Last stop kid." The driver called out over the intercom. Kirihara muttered darkly under his breath, gathering up his bag. He exited the bus, looking around, trying to get a sense of his location. There was a massive school across the street, and he darted across before the light could turn. He reached into his pocket for his phone, hoping that he could call Yanagi-senpai to help him get home.

His phone beeped once, and then went dark. He glared at it, shook it violently and tried again. The phone was dead, and there wasn't anything he could do for at least another half hour. Kirihara paused, looking at the sign outside the school, and grinned widely. He had found his way to Hyotei. He glanced around, and seeing no one stopping him, sauntered onto Rikkai grounds.

Kirihara had snuck on once before, following Sanada. He had come across the vice-captain kissing Atobe, and that was something the he never wanted to see ever again. The school was pretty much empty, a few students in Hyotei uniforms moving past him. No one really paid any attention to him, which was a good thing. He made his way through the sprawling school, coming across the tennis courts. He grinned, watching as the team finished up their practice.

He sat on the bleachers, a little disappointed that he hadn't come earlier. It would be good to see how Hyotei runs a practice. Not that he fully supported sneaking around, not since he was captain of Rikkai. He knew Sanada would smack him hard if he ever found out.

"You know, Rikkai is about thirty minutes away."

Kirihara turned, wide eyed, the picture perfect ideal of innocence. The grin slipped a little bit, seeing that it was Hiyoshi. "Yeah, well, the bus dropped me off here."

"You fell asleep on it again didn't you?'

"No." Kirihara tried to flatten his hair. "It's no wonder that Seigaku beat you last tournament. You guys are slacking off."

"Don’t try to sound like Sanada." Hiyoshi crossed his arms over his chest, jaw clenched, glaring at him.

Kirihara smirked, "Don't try to act like Atobe, you're still in his shadow."

"You're a pain in the ass." Hiyoshi glared at him.

"Yeah, but we won the last three matches."

"Kaidoh's got a solid team."

"So do you." Kirihara pointed down to the courts. "There's no excuse for not beating Kaidoh. He got into a shouting match with his vice captain while he was playing."

"You sound disappointed."

"I wanted to play you." Kirihara muttered.

"You'll play me at Nationals."

"Let's play now." Kirihara got to his feet.

"No." Hiyoshi shook his head. "You just spent the last few minutes insulting me."

"You started it." Kirihara went down a couple steps. "Coming?"

"I'm not doing this with you. We can't play unofficial matches."

"It's a practice match." Kirihara responded easily. "I'm in street clothes, you're in practice gear."

Hiyoshi followed him down the next three steps, Kirihara grinning as they moved closer to the courts. "No."

"Chicken?" Kirihara's grin was wide and open.

"I'll wipe the court with you." Hiyoshi muttered.

"Let's make this interesting." Kirihara stopped, glancing as Hiyoshi stopped next to him. "Winner gets to take what he wants." Hiyoshi was quiet, and Kirihara continued. "I want a kiss."

"And I want you gone." Hiyoshi responded. "I hope you're ready to leave."

Kirihara laughed softly, hand on the strap of his bag. "You'll end up eating those words, Hiyoshi." He bounced back up the stairs between them, colliding with the other boy. He kept a light hold on Hiyoshi, mouth a hot smear against the other boy's before letting him go, taking a secret joy in the light blush on Hiyoshi's face.

"I'll get another after our match."

s: prince of tennis, c: hiyoshi wakashi, c: kirihara akaya, fic:gift [everlind]

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