Productive, un-productive

Jun 16, 2010 16:05

I'm back.

(Well, I've been back for a few days actually, but who cares...)

And I've made some progress. Yay! (I feel so productive.)

Firstly, Property's next (top model) chapter is nearly done. Though there's some minor problems with the ending, but I'm assuming to get over them in a few days. (Or then just ignore them, but we're not talking about that...) Sadly enough, my interest for the story is going down like a cow's tail. And it's ending is seeming to come sooner than I thought - and probably sooner than what is be good for the plot, but... as I said, my interest is vanishing. Doesn't mean I'm going to drop it though, not even if I need to cry blood and bleed tears, because damn I'm not that bad of a sucker. Or so I like to tell myself...

I've also gotten some of my other projects written further and although I couldn't get anything for Kanda's birthday (sobs), I'm hopeful about publishing something during this summer. (Which isn't actually as short time as that sentence wants to make believe, but I'm rather un-productive writer in general.) Also, I'm kind of itching to write the skating fic I've been working on since January (and haven't even finished the first chapter yet, although it's over, what, twelve pages long already?). Well, I have the entire summer... (<- And that actually consoles for the fact that I don't have a job.)

Albeit, it could be a little warmer and less rainy. Doesn't feel like summer, really, and surprisinly enough, I want to spent some time outdoors. Which is just... creepy. ;D

random, ranting

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