Point? What point?

Apr 10, 2010 13:10

So, I've spent the last week learning how to use this site, specially how to mess with my journal. And this is the result at the moment. I actually like it pretty much. (The header is wonderful.) And I should thank Hakasha for putting the links for the sites up so I could actually find them without spending eternity lost in the maze of this site...

Which is what I guess I'm doing next: trying to find a way to locate things. I've found that the search is good only when you're trying to either find another user (unless you don't know their nick, which means you won't find them) or look for something from the FAQ. So yeah, I'm still on the level of just clicking through links on people's profiles and so on.

Anyway, spring weariness is hitting on with full force and the exams are coming again. On weekdays I feel like sleeping the whole day and weekends it's just slightly better. I also seem to have somewhat constant headache. T_T Who said that the spring brightens up everything? In addition, I'm not making that much progress with finding a summer job for this year. Ugh...

Oh but, since no one is probably interested in any of that - that is, if anyone happens to ever read this, I'm just ranting to myself, since it kind of helps - I'll just say that I'm stuck with Prop's 14th chapter's second sentence at the moment. (The first one goes: "Kanda woke up to a ray of light burning against his eyelids.") But, happy go lucky (<- I don't actually even know what that thecnically means, but who cares [in case it means something else than what its literal meaning is], it sound good) I have other fics I can write. It's a good thing that normally when I have a block, it only pertains to one or two stories at the time.

So, uh, if everyone noticed any point in that, please do tell me. 'Cause I didn't.

random, lj, ranting, fics

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