Hey, they're making a Discworld-based TV show (Night Watched focused) made by the production company that did the TV movies. :) Here is Pratchett and co. discussin' it.
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From the sounds of it, it's going to be based in Ankh-Morpork at the point that it is in the books at the moment (the hospital that Dr Lawn set up post-Night Watch is mentioned for example) with original stories written for the show, which I think might work better than doing straight up adaptions of the books. I think that this is because somethings work better read than spoken, to a certain extent. Just stay clear of casting choices like Jeremy Iron's lisping Vetinari, who seemed to think that because he was in a comedy fantasy movie he had to do a silly voice.
Oh, and it seems that someone from Farscape is working on it as well, for those who are interested.
Also, the company that is making this is getting a new UK-based production branch, and the first thing they're making?
Good Omens! Adapted by Terry Jones for some reason.