Young Justice: Bereft - Watchery and Stream of Concious Musings

Mar 12, 2011 11:23

- And So, the action begins in the Libya stand-in Bialya (where the Red Tornado’s adopted daughter is from), in the desert at nighttime.
- It begins with Megan passed out in a sanddune. She begins talking in Martian, nice touch, but is suffering from... amnesia! *dramatic sting*
- She apparently doesn’t remember that she’s on Earth, which makes sense for someone who has had the past 6 months of their lives erased (considering the team has only been active for 4 months at this point, it’ll cause complications).
- Complications like Superboy, who bounds into frame, attacks Megan and then bounces away when she deflects him with her telekinetic powers.
- Megan is left sad and confused in a crater.
- After the title sequence, we cut to Robin, who is confused as to how he’s in the wrong country six months in the future.
- He goes to call Batman for help, when he remembers him saying to mantain radio silence at all times, which changes his mind.
- Wally meanwhile wakes Artemis like a date-rapist, by standing over her grinning whilst calling her beautiful.
- This understandably freaks her out, as does the fact she has no idea who put her in the Green Arrow costume. Wally declines to comment.
- Artemis has dad issues, it appears.
- And she said that she thinks that he might have put the two of them in a cabin in the desert so that Arty could kill Wally. Ah, the Cain Family teaching method.
- Their cabin is blown up though, and the pair run for it, pursued by tanks.
- Arty can take out a jeep with her bow and arrow it seems.
- Wally decides to whisk her away before she attempts the same thing with the tanks though, but she has the good grace to thank him at least.
- Megan sits and remembers, and with her telepathic powers she puts together at least some of how she came to be in the desert. She flies off to find her team.
- Wally and Arty stop, as he’s tired and has no food to recharge his batteries.
- Shirtless Superboy then charges Arty.
- He is stopped by getting hit by one of the tanks’ shells. This causes him to continue his Hulk impression, making him leap towards the tanks and tear them apart with his bare hands.
- Megan catches up with Wally and Artemis, and fills them in the best she can. Artemis is amused that Wally’s name is Wally, causing him to groan in embarrassment.
- Superboy meanwhile is captured by many soldiers and the help of a psychic who I think might be Psimon.
- Aqualad’s been passed out this entire time. Huh, presumably they used his voice actor’s wage allowance in the last episode.
- Robin finds the mysterious machine that amnesiaed the team, though he doesn’t know it yet.
- And he’s also attacked by troops, but he makes short work of them. Also the promo for the show after this obscures their subtitles. SMOOTH.
- The rest of team catch up with Robin and they compare notes.
- Wally argues that the team might not be working for Batman, like Robin suggests, and that they might be working for his mentor, the Flash. He then taps the symbol on his costume, and makes it switch between stealth and regular modes.
- This leads to an amusing moment with the rest of the team tapping their costumes to see if their’s change too, but nothing happens.
- Arty gets annoyed at Wally’s costume antics “Quit touching yourself!”
- Megan uses her powers to psychically rebuild her memories using fragments of her teammates.
- Hey, Bialya is in the Arabian peninsula now it appears.
- Huh, and they’re ruled by the villain Queen Bee, though she looks significantly less insect this time around.
- The team are basically there to find a possible downed UFO in the desert, but because Bialya isn’t part of the JLA’s UN charter, the team have to keep silent about their presence there.
- Zeta-beam radiation is present at the site of the crashed... thing.
- Suddenly they remember Aqualad, who is probably the worse for wear at this point.
- Arty and Wally remember they’re not supposed to be friends, and stop holding hands. Hee.
- Superboy meanwhile is being electrotortured.
- The team find Aqualad, who is delirious from thirst. Kid Flash says the only way that they can help him is if Megan carries him to her bioship (it’s out of telepathic range for her to call it) and rehydriates him there.
- She wants to help Superboy though, as she says that he’s mindless at the moment and that he needs her to fix his memories.
- She feels his torture and flies off to save him. Unfortunately, this causes her to run straight into Psimon, who promptly erases her mind again. Agh!
- Turns out that Psimon hacked their telepathic link and used it to erase their memories. Huh, well it’s an original means of amnesia, I give the writers that.
- Megan and Psimon engage in a mental battle as she resists his attempts to mindwipe her, while the rest of the team drag Aqualad to their ship.
- He’s hallucinating about his ex-girlfriend from the last episode. Aww.
- Wally askes her about why her dad would want her to kill him, and she bluffs by saying she was confused, half-remembering a ninja movie she’d seen, “where a ninja girl is told by her ninja dad to kill her ninja boyfriend because he’s part of a different ninja clan”.
- Heh, whilst Psimon is in his telepathic battle with Megan, his scientist teammates think that he’s just staring into empty space, as they can’t see Megan due to her being camouflaged.
- Megan restores Superboy’s mind. Hooray, he can physically end the stalemate between her and Psimon.
- Hey, they have the TV clip where Megan got her annoying catchphrase! People laughed (laughtracked) so she thinks it’s something people would actually like.
- Epic remembering scene!
- Hey, I think that the alien artefact might be Brother Eye...
- Nicer version though. He beeps like R2D2 and helps Superboy fight soldiers.
- The aftershocks of the psychic-duel cause a physical tornado to happen in real-life.
- Superboy and Megan realise their feelings for each other, and nearly kiss. Awww.
- Aqualad is attached to an IV, and seems to be recovering. Hooray!
- Psimon meets up with the Light, and apologises for the Sphere and Superboy escaping from his custody.
- A female member of the Light (silhouette is obscured, could be Circe or Morgan Le Fey, I guess) says it doesn’t matter, as all it showed was their new partner’s delivery system worked and that he’ll be sending more tech in the future.
- Cut to a video feed of the Sphere coming through... a boomtube. OH CRAP!

Overview: Neat episode, had a lot of character development for both Superboy and Megan, as well as building on the Artemis/Kid Flash relationship some more. Overall I thought that the episode was good, but not great. It wasn’t as annoying as the episode Happy Harbour, but it wasn’t as good as Denial either. The reveal at the last few minutes makes it good watching for showing how big the scope of the Light has become though.

dc, recaps, superheroes, cartoons, young justice

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