Various things.

Oct 02, 2008 12:00

I'm tired. Mostly emotionally, but also physically. I'm not the kind of person who can engage in lots of activities and remain competent in maintaining them. I thought I knew what I was getting into with Indy Opera, and I kind of did, but this is the only time I've gone into production week during actual classes. Tosca was during spring break, and Les Contes d'Hoffman was during finals week. Mixed blessings indeed. Full days of classes, homework, practicing, and full evenings of rehearsals? People do this all the time, but not me. I'm going nuts! It'll all be okay Monday night, though. It would all be a bit easier without that cold I got last weekend and the persistent (mostly unproductive and dry) cough and post-nasal drip loveliness going on.

It's October. I'm finding myself in desperate need of Eric Whitacre. I, like anyone who has played or heard the piece several times, cannot detach the actual month from the wind ensemble piece of the same name. Though I will likely never be intimately involved in marching band or any other wind ensemble ever again (which is a STRANGE thing to say for me, but true), October, the month and piece, will always have a special meaning and history to me. Plus it's autumn, which replaced winter as my favorite season when I was in high school.

Speaking of autumn, I turned on the heat for the first time today. It was 60 degrees in the living room, and colder in the bedrooms. Too cold! I finally gave in after Eliza greeted me this morning with a usual breakfast-time hop in the lap and her paws were COLD. Does it make me a bad person that I caved after that and not after Danica complained of being really cold last night? Meh. I guess Danica could turn on the heat for herself, and Eliza can't.

I drove down to Columbus this morning to meet Dad. He gave me my black formal to wear tomorrow night to hand flowers to the female principles at curtain call, and I gave him the tickets for Sunday's show. Around last night I wondered why I volunteered to do that when it meant giving up my morning to sleep in. It'll be good to have that dress around, as I bought it for Chris's prom intending to wear it for future performances. The most gratifying thing was having coffee with my Dad. He's such a great man, and I love talking to him. We talked about the economy, how the company he's working for is flourishing against the odds (check printing - unlikely, huh?), reflexology, and grad school prospects. It's the kind of thing I really needed. My dad loves me, respects me, thinks I'm smart, and is proud of me. All things I need to be reminded of right now.

And now, the show must go on. Class in 45 minutes.

school, indy opera, weather, dad, singing

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