Mar 06, 2009 13:08
Dream: Billy & I lived in a motor home up and down a rocky coast in Northern California, it was always cool and moist and overcast but we were so happy, and Molly could run around free an SImon napped inside or hunted birds. ITw as a very odd perspective dream where there was no plot, just random sights of general life.
Dream: I was walked on a deserted street full of boring looking abandoned buildings. Out of nowhere in the middle of the day people had huge weapons and were throwing fire with their hands, and I just didn't know what to do in my panic. I was with a few girls, and one of them got hit in the head and her face and hair went up in flames, it was horrible, and she had the white panic of just being inside out and upside down. I could see through the flames enough to see her face boil and blister and become bloody and then wet blackness after she feel to the ground. Fire balls went through the air at me, and me and the girls left were dodging them and hiding between slabs of concrete, a girl out of nowhere wandered up to me unafraid of the flames and handed me a branch of some plant. It calmed me and gave me some clarity; she then tried buying off the people throwing fire to make them stop long enough to explain things to me, which I know were important. But I can't remember our conversation, then I woke up and had a very clumsy and over-caffeinated day at work.
I'm going to take a nap, get up read chapter 3 and complete the online quiz, and then wake up and change many things in my life