Dec 12, 2016 20:59
Things have been crazy at work and super busy. I wont bore you with the details and the minute detail of preparing for regulataroy inspections.
On the flat front most of the big things are done, decorating, carpets, I even have curtains. I am quite pleased with it. The back garden has been tidied meaninng we are no longer visited by the cat I had befriended as it's a boring garden now if you are a cat pretending to be a tiger in the jungle.
I have had several trips into London for various things and quick fire reviews:
The Deep Blue Sea at the National Theatre in August - the changes they made for the film were an improvement and Freddie in this production was a bit blah.
The Entertainer at the Garrick in October - or Kenneth Brannagh tap dancing as I will now always think of it. I think the play stands up well from the 60's but would be interested to see someone do a prodcution were it's updated to the modern day as I think it would still work. Can now tick Brannagh off my theatre royalty bingo card and it was good to see him in something a bit different.
No Man's Land at Wyndham's Theatre in October - ticking of McKellan and Stewart on the bingo card, although I'd seen Stewart before. No bloody clue what this was actually about but the acting was top notch, as you'd expect, and it was hugely enjoyable.
King Lear at the Old Vic - Really didn't like this. 'Histronic' seems to be the default when playing Lear and I could wait a long time before seeing another production of it. To be fair the friend I was with loved Glenda Jackson doing an impression of John Hurt in I, Claudius as an acting choice.
Emma Hamilton: Seduction & Celebrity at the National Maritime Museum - loved this, I was there for hours. It's a top notch exhibit even for someone like me who knows a lot about the subject but the highlights were definitely the Romney portraits and the recreation of The Attitudes
I've read loads of books, none particualrly standing out as 'must mention'. Been reading a lot of non fiction on the various subjects that interest me. Need to get some fiction in the mix for the New Year.
I have hardly been to the cinema at all due to a combination of not being much on that's interested me and being busy most weekends. I did manage to get along to see Hunt for the Wilder People which I thought was fab and easily my film of the year. Don't care it was ludicrious towards the end my heart was warmed.
To finish with TV! Luke Cage, eh, it was okay. I wanted to love it and was a little disappointed. Mike Colter was brilliant, the music was fab, but the more I think about what they did with Misty and Claire the more I roll my eyes and the villian just fell flat. Stranger Things again, it was okay but overhyped. The kids I thought were all fantastic little actors though and I really enjoyed their performances.
real life,