Yesterday I had a deep thought

Jun 05, 2016 19:12

I wonder what the correlation is between the decline of LJ and the rise of smartphones. While I'm probably on the internet more these days it is mostly on my phone and LJ posting via smartphone has always been a bit of a faff. I imagine there's a connection between the rise of photo based blogging at the expense of wordy based blogging and smart phones. There's probably an essay about it told entirely in gifs.

Anyways! I am still waiting for my exchange date re flat. There is all sorts of freehold nonsense and I have had to get quite cross with people. Quite cross indeed. I recently spent 5 restful days in Madeira which was nice and will likley be my only holiday this year due to, you know, mortgage. We are gearing up for a very busy summer at work as we are rejiging study but work continues to be going well and I'm due my 8 month review soon.

On the cinema front I have seen both Captain America: Civil War and X Men: Apocalypse. I loved Civil War to absolute bits and it is, in my never humble opinion, as near perfect a summer blockbuster as you can get and the fact we have now known these characters for years really pays off in emotional investment/reward/hysterical crying and wanting to hug Bucky Barnes and Tony Start till their spine pops. The new X Men film is by no means the best entry in the franchise, it's probably Singer's weakest film but it's nowhere near as bad as The Last Stand and I enjoyed the second half quite a bit. It's just let down by a bloated first half setting everything up.

Away from the blockbusters a recent film worth mentioning is the excellent The Punk Singer which is a documentary about leading Riot Grrrl (a genre I'm just not old enough, probably only by 3-5 years to remember happening the first time round) Kathleen Henna. There's lot to recommend it but my absolute favourite thing is when she says at the end that she doesn't care if you're not a feminist, or don't believe in feminism, or whatever, but get the fuck out of her way regardless.

I'm back in a 'Oh TV, I don't watch TV' phase as nothing is catching my interest at the moment but have been using my Netflix subscription to watch the very enjoyable and 90's reference tastic Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. Will check out their other comedies in due course.

Yesterday I was at Shakespeare's Dead, a Bodleian exhibit. I sort of assumed it was about, you know, Shakespeare, and how he is dead but it's actually about the portrayal of death in his plays. The curation notes were really interesting and almost like reading an essay while wandering about. The objects on display were a bit pedestrian however but still well worth a look if anyone happens to be in Oxford this summer.

Speaking of Shakespeare in early May I was at the RSC to see Cymbeline. The production was wonderful, the site lovely in the late spring sunshine but the play itself is horribly misogynistic even for the standards of the day and all the good ideas are better executed in other plays. One to see to tick of the list rather than on its own merits.

marvel, x men movieverse, real life, review

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