Busy as a busy bee

Apr 23, 2016 21:09

Not much to report on the flat sale front except it's all progressing as normal at this stage i.e solicitors don't seem to be actually doing anything. Mother is down next weekend so we are going along to measure things and ponder colour schemes.

The problem with only doing an update every 4-6 weeks is I am sure there is loads I could talk about but have forgotten what half of it is! I did recently enjoy my very first trip to Bristol to meet up with nodbear where we had a very pleasant afternoon hanging around the docks. As you do when you are us. I have also seen lots of HORSEYS!!! of late and even got to stroke one I came accross this week on Port Meadow and helped round up another, escaped pony, so as you can see it's exciting times.

A recent read that stands out is Heirs to Forgotten Kingdoms: Journeys into the Disappearing Religions of the Middle East by Gerard Russell. Russell has spent decades building relationships with members of various minority religions originating from the region and it's a fascinating anthropological study.

Today I've been to the local theatre to see The Herbal Bed which I knew nothing about and bought a ticket to on a whim but was an excellent production of a play which is possibly best described as a very English version of the The Scarlet Letter. Over Easter a few of us went to town to see the incomparable Gemma Arterton in Nell Gwynn which was bawdy feminist fun with a real life spaniel on stage!

Blockbuster season is now upon us and I have seen, for my sins, Batman vs Superman which was so bad it's of scientific interest, like ebola and zika. I did think Affleck did a good job however and look forward to seeing his Batman in something that sucks a little less hard. Suicide Squad, for example, looks much more fun. I also thought Gal Gadot stole the show so am looking forward to Wonder Woman a lot.

While ill last month I signed up for the month free trial of Netflix but then couldn't find anything on it that I actually wanted to watch. However I saw a few comments on various random The Guardian threads that people who didn't enjoy season 1 of Daredevil were enjoying season 2. I thought 'What the hell, I may as well try a couple of episodes'. I think some point during episode 2 my brain exploded into rainbows and unicorns and I now love it. I have also gone back and watched season 1 and really I don't know what my problem was. Violence, bromance, daddy angst, fiesty woman not taking shit from boy band ninjas, aforementioned boy band ninja in tight black trousers twirling about a lot to give a great view of their arse, I love those things! I'm blaming being in Edinburgh because I now love the show and every single character to tiny little pieces. So now my only defence against not having drunk the Marvel kool aid is I still don't give a shit about the Dr Strange film.

marvel, real life, review

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