The monthly update

Oct 16, 2015 22:39

I an edging ever forward to posting my New York pics, honest I am.

Work continues to go really well. I have been put in charge of the twitter feed! I am ignoring Bartholomew's demands I retweet his lunch reviews.

Have I mentioned we don't have a TV in the living room? Well we don't and the TV in my bedroom only reliably picks up BBC channels, and somewhat randomly, E4+1. This has given me more time to devote to my massive book pile which I am making some progress with. I am currently working my way through Dan Jones' highly readable The Plantagenets. It's nothing I don't know of course but it's an excellent overview. I am just up to the death of Richard. *sadface* I have also recently finished Courtiers: The Secret Life of the Georgian Court by Lucy Worsley which is also highly readable and about an era I don't know quite as much about so had the added bonus of novelty.

On the film front I have seen MacBeth at the cinema. I spent the first half hour thinking 'I'm not quite sure about this....'. It's a bit 'mad arthouse horror' but the more I thought about it the more I thought that actually that is the perfect way to approach MacBeth! Both Fassbender and Cottilard are excellent and I, a woman with a heart of stone unless it involves spaniels, was genuinely shocked at the fate of the family MacDuff.

I have also been to Chichester Festival Theatre to see a certain Mr. Samuel West in The Seagull. We have been dying to go see Sam West in something for years but never managed it. None of us were keen on Chekhov (I've only ever seen Three Sisters and hated it, just fuck off to Moscow and shut up!) but have been waiting 7 years for the theatre stars to align. Chichester is doing a Chekhov season and Wiki assured me that The Seagull was a comedy so we picked that one. We were deeply sceptical about Chechov's ability to be funny. It turns out it actually is a comedy albeit a black one. Anyway it was brilliant and we thorougly enjoyed it.

plantagenets, real life, review

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