Bonjour Mes Amis!

Oct 03, 2013 21:58

Also titled let's try this again..,

Posted a pic heavy post earlier but LJ didn't want to play. I have been in Paris 24 hours and have already ate all the bread! Today I was at the Louvre and the Centre Pompidou.

I was somewhat heartbroken on rocking up to the Louvre to find the Middle Ages section was closed. My primary reason for visiting was to see 'Alienor's Vase'. The only known surviving object belonging to Alienor d'Aquitaine. Or Eleanor of Aquitaine as English speaking history knows her. I spied a section promoting Abbot Sugar and the treasures of St Denis though and there it was! Also there was Joyeuse. The sword of Charlemagne. Which for a medieval history graduate is like stumbling across Excalibur. I still can't believe it's there and I saw it!

I also saw the Mona Lisa through the hordes not actually bothering to look at it as they were too busy taking photos. I can't say I can see what the fuss is about.

In the afternoon I headed to the Centre Pompidou which houses the modern art gallery. Only the modern art bit was closed. I did see a rather fab Roy Lichtenstein exhibit though for my entrance fee. There was also some delightfully wacky stuff in the contemporary art section.

I was keen to explore the wider Marais area but as the outside of the Centre Pompidou stank of wee I decided to head back to the Latin Quarter instead!

As my feet are killing me tomorrow I'm doing a bus tour and I quite fancy Victor Hugo's house! Wonder if I can get a rendition of Do You Hear the People Sing going...

travel, via ljapp

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