The Master of All I Survey

Aug 20, 2013 18:52

This is my third week in my new flat. I am all unpacked except for one box that I have relegated to the box room for the moment. Well I have to let it live up to it's name don't I?! Flat is a 'posh' tenement so there's lovely big windows and high ceilings and fireplaces in the living room and bedroom. It is quite delightful although it could do with double glazing as I'm near the main road but hey ho.

The job remains fairly tedious. I swing between 'well it pays the rent for my lovely flat doesn't it' and 'Oh my God I am going to go mad with the boredom and the office conversation about cycling routes'. My supervisor said she was pleased with me the other week though. God knows why as I feel like I'm not actually doing anything. Got a bit stroppy as I was bored and annoyed today so I shall have to reel that in if I want the option of being kept on!

Edinburgh though? Edinburgh I continue to love. My main festival activity is this weekend but I have been to see a American High School Theatre production of The Penelopiad which was a bit like Glee on BBC4. I have also seen a production called Hag which had Baba Iaga as the lead character and was blend of Eastern and Western fairly tale motifs. I thought both were solid and enjoyable and deserved to be seen by more people than were in attendance as there was no big name comic attached.

In other cultural news I had my first outing to Glyndebourne last week with nodbear! We went to see Billy Budd and realised too late that we'd placed our handbags (and therefore hankies) out of reach when the sniveling started... It was a brilliant experience both in terms of the atmosphere, opera and the absolutely delicious three course meal we had. It's not a cheap experience but it was worth the money and I hope to be able to go again next year!

real life, review

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