Fic Post

Jan 21, 2012 14:13

Hornblower spaniel!crack, now with added feline friend. Rated G

Hornblower has had a very pleasant evening in the tranquility of his club. He has enjoyed several games of whist and one or two liquid refreshments to celebrate his winnings. He has on the whole had a rather lovely day as Archie had left early that morning to visit their old shipmate Cadogan. He had even been so kind as to take his little four legged monster with him.

It must be later than Hornblower anticipated for the house is in darkness when he arrives but he can see there is still a light on in his and Archie’s bedroom window. He jovially makes his way up the stairs; if the hell hound is asleep there might be hope for a rather happy ending to the night.

Hornblower opens the door with a, quiet, flourish. His face immediately falls into a frown for on his side of the bed is what is either a very large cat or a small panther. It regards Hornblower’s entrance with imperious indifference but Hornblower splutters, “What is that?”

Archie glances up from his book, before grinning and stroking the creature behind the ears, “This is Charles! I’m watching him for Georgie, he was called away overnight and Mrs. Hill is visiting her sister. “

It is then that Horatio notices Bartholomew on Archie’s other side, gazing quite happily across Archie’s legs at this new and exotic creature, it gives Hornblower an idea. “Well I am not sure the bed is quite big enough for all four of us, perhaps Charles would be more comfortable in the spare room? Bartholomew could keep him company as they seem to be firm friends.”

“Oh indeed they are! They snoozed quite contentedly together this afternoon at Georgie’s on Charles’s little chaise longue, we must get one for Bartholomew, Horatio, it really is quite delightful” Hornblower will happily purchase anything that keeps that little mud covered beast off his furniture so he nods agreeably. Archie meanwhile appears to be considering Hornblower’s proposition, “But yes you’re right, it would be rather a squeeze for all four of us in the bed…so you shall have to sleep in the spare room.”

Hornblower is so appalled he can barely splutter out, “What!” Archie seeks to justify himself, “Well Charles is in a new place and he’s settled here now! You can take Bartholomew with you if you think you will be lonely.” Bartholomew’s head whips up at that and he gives a bark of outrage, making it clear that he too will be staying where he is. Charles meanwhile regards Hornblower with the look of the victor.

Hornblower decides to change tack and pleads, “But Archie…”

Before he can continue Archie cuts him off, “Now, Horatio, I’m decided so don’t sulk, off you go now, it’s late.”

Hornblower takes the time to glare at both of Archie’s furry bedmates before turning on his heel to depart. In the morning he shall be making it clear that he does not wish Bartholomew to play with Charles again

fan fiction, hornblower

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