Where'd You Get That?: Not (Entirely) in the Dowloads Folder Edition

Jun 22, 2014 17:19

These are some really nice things to have that don't live in your Downloads folder, or at least not entirely so.

GOS = Garden Of Shadows
MTS = Mod The Sims
MATY = More Awesome Than You

Color Enable Package by Numenor at MTS
Many CEP extras by HugeLunatic at MTS
  1. Fireplaces
  2. Adirondack set
  3. Art Nouveau lamp
  4. Mauritania door
  5. Hydroponic plant pot
  6. Pyramid stairs
  7. Future-Nu Prime door
  8. Rectilinear Poly-Hole window
  9. Port of Ennui gate
  10. IKEA paintings
  11. Old World Large Window
  12. "Sheep And Sheep" painting
Many CEP extras by hafisaezale at their LJ
Gearhead Loft window CEP fix by revolvertrooper, from their LJ
Scriptorium by Numenor at MTS allows you to add things like custom stairs or lights
"Glasses For Townies" and "Facial Hair For Townies" by Mirablu at MATY (Allows townies to generate with glasses or facial hair)
Lighting fixes for base game lights by plasticbox at MTS
Lighting fixes for Pets, OFB, and Seasons lights by plasticbox at MTS
Lighting fixes for BV, IKEA, and Celebration Stuff lights by CircusWolf  at MTS
Lighting fixes for Uni, NL, FT, AL, GLS, TSS, K&B, and H&M Stuff lights by CircusWolf at MTS
Lighting fixes for EA Store stuff lights by CircusWolf at MTS
Buyable career and aspiration rewards unlocked by Sophie-David at MTS
"MOAR Slots" by hafisaezale at their LJ (Also posted in Enhancements)
Sims Pet Stories SC4 terrains (three neighborhood maps) by Richi3frog at MTS
IKEA seating made repository by HugeLunatic at MTS (I'm not 100% sure this needs to go int the CEP folder, but other repository items do, so that's where I put this)
IKEA LACK shelves made repository by Huge Lunatic at Sims2Artists (See comment above)
Celebrations & Custom cakes fix (allows many things to be placed in Decra-Chill cases) by Lord Darcy at MATY
No Tooltip Hover by Lord Darcy at MATY
Many CEP extras by shastakiss at their LJ
revlovertrooper's bookshelf repository fix, resposted by shastakiss on their LJ (I'm not 100% sure this needs to go in the CEP folder, but other repository items do, so that's where I put this)
CEP extra for heart bed by HugeLunatic at GOS
CEP extra for basegame alarm clock by NixNivis at their Wordpress
CEP extra for Old Timer Recliner by Klaartje at MTS
CEP extra that also allows the teddy bear to be placed just about anywhere by Klaartje at Leefish

wcif, general simming

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