Master and Puppet, Part I: A few repository edits

Mar 05, 2013 00:12

 Here's a small batch of repository edits, of an original Maxis object and a few Maxis add-ons.

I've made a CEP fix for the open version for the AL Gearhead Loft Window to take its textures from its closed counterpart. If you happen to know how the repository method works, here's a little rant: This file is even cleaner and smaller than other CEP fixes because only the GNMD needed editing this time around; the closed window textures were already referenced in both open meshes' SHPE, and the "master" open window already had a tsMaterialsMeshName extension, but it referenced its own mesh! That's an interesting case of Maxis fail - it seems they intended to slave these windows themselves but they inexplicably messed up the last part of the job. I have also edited Leesester's opening privacy window and the open windows of Fway's two add-on sets to go with this fix. Spaik has also made great add-ons for this set but thankfully all of them are already slaved to the closed Maxis window.

Download the CEP fix (place it in your zCEP-EXTRA folder!)
Download the edited add-ons

I've also edited the add-ons to the BG Nofowle Seating (loveseat and sofa, pictured above) by Frogger at Natural Sims and the add-ons to the NL Merry-Making Table (the side and coffee table in the picture and also a sofa table) by DOT (aka the Crazy Lamp Lady) - all of these are now slaved to the Maxis objects they're based on.

Download Nofowle Seating
Download Merry-Making Tables

Lastly, I have edited plasticbox's slaved version of Fresh-Prince's double version of the Maxis Craftmeister Pine Bed - I've slaved it to the BG Cheap Eazzzzze double bed so that it works with CuriousB's awesome repository fix for the single Craftmeister . If you want the Maxis knotty wood textures for both the single and double bed, get Sophie-David's fix for the double bed! Of course I've also slaved F-P's single Cheap Eazzzzze to the double one - I only didn't touch his Caress of Teak double bed because another slaved bed already exists.

Download Craftmeister Double Bed - BG
Download Craftmeister Double Bed - Pets
Download Cheap Eazzzzze Single Bed - BG
Download Cheap Eazzzzze Single Bed - Pets

Of course you should choose only one version of each bed.

The great AL window recolour in my picture is by CuriousB and the Nofowle recolours by Charterzard.

I hope I haven't messed anything up and I hope you'll enjoy these!
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