Am I the only one who found this to be, idk, seriously fucking eeeew?
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Idk, maybe I have no humour, but I really didn't find it funny. I guess I'm not into:
- laughing about cancer. And damn it annoyed me how childish they sounded when speaking about cancer. No, cancer doesn't take your grandpa or whatever: it fucking kills them, okay.
- claim (cis) women should perform sexual favours for (cis) men just 'cause they are doing something good - even if it's just for fun. I'm so not into rewarding (cis) men for decent behaviour with sex - Sex isn't a prize.
- sentences like, "You're not a whore if you are doing it for charity" - even if it's meant in fun. There's implied slut shaming if you fuck someone when it's not for charity.
- and sentences like, "use your vagina to make a difference" - even if it's just for fun. Uh, no thanks. I would rather use other parts of my body, such as idk, my hand when I'm donating money to cancer research.
- implying people having moustaches is somehow a) not normal - it's implied it's only during November men grow a moustache -, and b) unsexy - the last sentence in the video is basically, "I'll fuck you if you have a moustache if you're growing it for cancer, not if you just happen to have a moustache -, which participates in this limited idea about how people, in this case: cis men, looks/should look and what is attractive.
- it's heteronormative and cisnormative as fuck. It implies all men are into women, all women are into men, all men are sexuals, who will enjoy being rewarded with sex, we're all cis, and women's enjoyment/interest in sex (with a man) is not really relevant.
- aaaand there are probably some other things I haven't thought about yet.
I can see why some would find it funny, but the humour as far as I can see is based on, maybe even reinforces, and definitely does not oppose, heteronormativity, gender binarism, slut shaming, and a limited idea of gender expression. No thanks, I say.