Apr 07, 2013 19:33

AAhahahahah I just got macked on by a kid with purple hair and shitloads of metal in his face. He still had zits. He hung out of his second story apartment window and yelled at me until I looked up and asked if I wanted to come up and ~chill~. Listen, I know my eating choices and lazy lifestyle have never been in my favor but I definitely think being a hardcore goth for over a decade worked wonders because nobody ever believes me when I tell them my age. Some kid asked me if I went to art school downtown a few weeks ago. I brushed passed him with a cheery but very hurried "NOPE!" because I was trying to make the express bus, it didn't even register until the next day that he thought I was in college at the art institute. My entire team at work demanded to see my driving license last week, they thought I was fucking with them when I told them how old I am. And now I have kids who MIGHT be 19-20, tops, trying to lure me into their apartments. SEE IT'S NOT MY FAULT I HAVE A THING FOR YOUNGER PEOPLE THEY LIKE ME TOO. IT IS A MUTUAL ATTRACTION I AM NOT A CREEPY PEDO.

Anyway. He was CUTE. Lololololol but no. Just no. Can't an elderly catlady go out for a can of pop and remain unmolested?! No but really, I'm very very flattered :DDD

Life lesson: STAY THE FUCK OUT OF THE SUN. It does wonders for your skin when you become an Old!

lol my life, only me, flirtations

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