i know i know

Apr 19, 2004 23:32

it's been a while, almost a month i'm assuming. but i've been busy with stuff, and livejournal has kinda been a last priority, i'd much rather hang out than sit in front of the computer, but since i'm all ready for bed, and not quite tired enough, i figured this was as good a time as any. right?
what have i been up to? a good question... lots of studying, lots of meeting new people ;) i like new people! their good!
anyway...to keep to recent events since i can't remember all of the last month, and don't feel like telling you guys all the juicy details of my life i'll keep this simple!
now i know you must be thinking i've gone nuts, but listen to me...i'll be living on the beach working some fun summer jobs while looking for a real job ANYWHERE in the world, and just making a ton of money! it's gonna be awesome. plus sabrina is going to be in new york working for the summer so she and i can hang out, we'll only be 2 1/2 hours apart! that's nothing! :) i'm so excited! who'd have thunk it?!?!
this weekend was good. started thursday when i took ashley out for her 21st, awesome times but spent too much! had a FABULOUS time thursday! but that's for me to know and you to wonder! and then friday i stopped by justins cause he was having a little shindig, i was planning on dropping by cause i was heading off to kelly's white trash party. but i was supposed to meet shawn at the party and he took forever to get there so i ended up at justin's for awhile, and then once shawn arrived i hung out with him before taking off. the white trash party was kick ass. i saw some people there from freshman year that i never would have expected to see! it was awesome! the outfits people were wearing were outstanding! Brice even grew a mustache just for the party, it was tight! it really made the trashy-ness of his ensemble!
saturday was a chill night, kels and i chilled at home and caught up...it was good times. been awhile since she and i have talked! sunday was devoted to homework, which sucked. i had completely forgotten about a research paper proposal that was due today, so i had to pull together some bullshit! hopefully it will fly! and now i'm just back into school. looking forward to thursday night! might have to babysit first, but that would be good, i'll make some beer money! although i might have to babysit at 4am, which would really suck cause i'll be exhausted. but alas i must go out! gotta have at least some fun this quarter, right?!?! ;)
alright, well i'm off to bed, just thought i'd give ya a little erin fix
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