Teen actuality...

Aug 01, 2011 03:06

There are things in this life that we can't really prepare ourselves for change, love, the real world and death. All of these things are always out of our hands its not like its meant to be, but it just is.

I always felt this longing to get out of my small town and move somewhere else to start over. What I wasn't prepared for was getting what I wanted, well I have it and I feel bad for it. I am moving on while my sister is still at home hating me for my accomplishments and I am not mad at her I am mad for her because she deserves a life too, you know?

I have been thinking about this idea lately and it keeps sticking in my head like ear wax (weird simile, I know.). I always wanted people to know the truth about what real teenagers go through and I am talking about the straight middle-class ones not the rich and priveleged, cuz really that storyline is so old 90210 wants there good name back. I want to produce and create a show about my experiences with my friends and let the world know that there is a life out there besides pregnant and drug addicted teenagers. I feel like there is a real story here. I just hope I can create and give the characters justice and let the world know that this show or movie may be scripted, but it is also soley based on the life and experences of Iyesha Lovette Riley. I have decided to call this project Teen Actuality. Cool title right? I just won't tell you what I was doing while I thought it up.

I feel like I was meant to do this. I was meant to tell my and some of my friends stories, but also tell other peoples too. I have a feeling that I was meant to be a creater to create this world that is so real that people live it and understand all of it or can at least learn from my mistakes and fix their own.

I guess that's it.
I'll probably start drawing some ideas up on here in the next few days.
XoXo Iyesha

creation, liberation and teen actuality., life

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