Today I helped set up the group show of work by members of the MassArt Illustration Faculty now on display for the next three weeks.
It is at the
6 Appian Way
Cambridge, MA 02138
in Harvard Square. It's that clunky, late-60's era building on Brattle Street (after the shops run out as you leave the Square).
My contribution to the show is the
series of eight "Steeds" that I finished recently. I think they look very nice all together and official. I'm keeping it Realz fo' Mah Peeps by reppin' the furry quotient :B
The rest of the work was made by my colleagues :)
I volunteered to help set up the show because doing so means having a hand in how the work is presented. This is something I learned is invaluable from volunteering to help with convention art shows. Exhibition display is also something I think is fun to do, and much like playing real-world Tetris to get everything set up "just so" as best as you can, given the setting and circumstance.
If you are going to be in a show, handing over your work and walking away doesn't make sense to me if you can roll up your sleeves, paint the walls, arrange the space, and set the hooks. It seems to me to be the ideal arc of creation; from concept to markmaking to presentation and display.