Northwest Passage

May 21, 2009 17:39

Today I wandered up the Fellsway West just to see where it went.
I spotted this stone observation tower on top of a small mountain/hill
and tried to get through to it, but wasn't able to on my roadbike, as
the path was intended for mountain bikes. I ended up carrying my bike
and hiking through the park with it, which was fine for like the first
mile actually, and then stopped being fun when I realized that the
deeper I went in and up rocky shale paths with an awkward load, the
deeper I would have to come out the same way, with the same
load, with gravity "helping". So halfway up I ditched the tower plan
and just wandered through the Fells park until I made my way out on the
far side, rode in to Winchester Center(!) and had a grapefruit(!!), then
made my way down Highway 3 to Arlington and up through to Davis Square
here. All total 10 miles :) The most direct way home from here is six
miles, but it's still sunny and I know folks locally, so I may kill some
time here for a bit anyway.

A nice jaunt, altogether. Artemis did okay today, even though I had to
carry her :P

There's no internet at home, so sorry for being line silent to some of
you I normally interact with at odd hours of the night.

I'm keeping busy. Art to do!

I am good and dusty tired today, it feels really good. This kind of
local exploring is awesome and the neighborhoods around here are great
for it. North of Boston it's almost impossible to get truly lost.
Within six miles of any direction you'll run into some little town or
another. Ultimately, south is the city, and east is the ocean. That's pretty
much all you need. I like finding these new ways into the city.

Carrying my itty bitty laptop is nice too :D

bike, city

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