I've done versions of this before (and LOVED IT), so I'm doing this one that I saw
cidercupcakes do:
Give me the title of a story I've never written, and feedback telling me what you liked best about it, and I will tell you any of: the first sentence, the last sentence, the thing that made me want to write it, the biggest problem I had while writing it, why it almost never got posted, the scene that hit the cutting room floor but that I wish I'd been able to salvage, or something else that I want readers to know.
Odds are good I'll also end up writing it eventually. I have quite a few stories in progress from the earlier rounds of suggested titles.
In other news, I am not watching Supernatural right now. I'm recording it, but I still haven't finished last season and I don't know if I ever will. My indifference to Castiel became true dislike between the episodes I did see and because I am truly bitter that fandom embraced another pretty white boy while railing against adding women and characters of color. Yes, I know, not all of fandom loves Castiel and not all of those who love Castiel dislike women and characters of color, but overall, I came away with a very bitter taste over it. Plus I continued to not enjoy season four the way I didn't enjoy season three, because I am tired of the way the show treats women and characters of color.
I miss my show SO MUCH though. This weekend I have to watch the second half of True Blood season two and then the finale but after that I think I might rewatch Supernatural season one and two.