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Comments 3

ladyvorkosigan November 25 2008, 14:04:24 UTC
Carlisle: Killing is not for you! It is for your not-brothers and not-sister, because in this household, we wait until we are married for such hijinks. After all, violence is the same as sex, and you have not experienced wedded bliss, despite me seducing you when you were dying and finding a hot ass blond mean girl for you, and therefore no sex in your violence in your sex! Now, Jasper, Emmett, Alice, the safeword tonight is SPARKLE. Have fun, kids.

Oh my God, that is 100% consistent with how I view Carlisle. Awesome. :-)


raz0rgirl November 25 2008, 14:08:26 UTC
I looked at it as motive-defined. Edward would have killed James for hurting Bella. The rest of the Cullens killed him to protect the family. You could make the argument that that's splitting hairs, but that's how I saw it. Carlisle wanted to protect Edward from killing for revenge. This is definitely a movie thing because there was nothing that subtle in the book. Also, I'm really annoyed because I can't stop thinking about this movie and I want to see it again, especially since it's so utterly slashy in my brain (I'll have to show you the Vanity Fair article with most of the cast all huggy and lovey).


ficwize November 25 2008, 15:03:12 UTC
I found that scene really interesting as well, but I think Carlisle wasn't so much denying Edward the pleasure of killing/sex and as he was protecting Edward from himself. We know that Edward has trouble not seeing himself as a monster.

I think, based on the biting and spitting out bit, that Edward wouldn't have torn James apart so much as shredded him bit by bit, losing Bella, losing himself, and eventually forfeiting all he's fought for.

I found it interesting that Carlisle called him "son" in that moment. That was new and different and caught my attention...


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