[fandom] Bones

Nov 13, 2008 20:06

Bisexuality, people, does exist. It's not either or.

Okay, so far, I kind of love the show - inventions and patent applications! Even though I hate patent law - and Clark is interesting. I'm never sure how I feel about the revolving grad assistants, but I am kind of fond of Clark and his plea for professionalism - plus his tie as a visible sign that he isn't like the others, he is professional.

I don't actually see the resemblance between Jared and Booth. Nor the attractiveness. Maybe I'm supposed to suspend my disbelief on both accounts.

"I apologize for the pun." Okay, I officially adore Clark.

I'm also not sure how I feel about Angela's bisexuality. First of all, because bisexuality does not equal lesbianism and I'd really like that, you know, acknowledged. (I'm looking at you, Bones, and asking if she was going to give up lesbianism.) I keep seeing people all excited about it, and I am glad to see a bisexual woman on my television, but - I don't know if I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop, or if there's something actually off about it (besides that little statement Bones made in this episode, which I do not think is okay). Am I gunshy and paranoid, or am I just very attuned to the problematic portrayals of such things? It's hard to know right now.

ALSO, "not some ugly FBI woman with a mustache"? Okay, I officially don't like Jared. He's even more cocky and assholish than Booth, and honestly, Booth walks the ride for me.

Ha! Clark thinks Bones is cute. I like how they're shaking his professionalism this time around. (Though I'm not sure how I like that each time he gets a little shaken it has to do with women and sex - Angela's girlfriend and Bones dressed up and showing off her figure.)

Jared is kind of skeezy, honestly. I'm not impressed, not with, um, anything, not with the way he hits on Bones, not with the way he talks about his brother, not with the way he interacts with other men, not in the way he is obsessed with physical beauty - pretty much all the way around, Jared bothers me.

I didn't watch this yesterday because I was stressed and didn't want to deal with whether or not I would hate Bones with another guy. It's never bothered me before - I actually liked that FBI agent she dated who ran off on his boat - but I wasn't sure if it would bother me now. I'm pretty sure that's not the problem for me, I just don't find Jared and interesting and

"Well, the FBI is sneaky."
"Careers are made when men of good intent help each other."

This stuff is why I dislike the government.

Oh, poor Clark. He's always in the wrong place for these sexual conversations.

"Jared's Booth light." Thank you, Angela, I love you. You are awesome at your job, an incredible artist, and you have this fantastic machine about which I am happy to suspend my disbelief. Plus you called Jared Booth light.

I want to know what Cam was going to say about Jared. Creepy little brother trying too hard to outshine his older sibling? Who texts his brother when he's in trouble? I knew this wasn't going well.

The little garbage sorter Clark helped finish reminds me of the Dorothy machine from Twister.

As much as I love Clark being standoffish and professional, I like the little chinks in his armor even more.

OH SHIT. I knew that statement would bite Booth in the ass. Don't give up your morals! Let him deal with his drunk driving on his own. Except I know what it's like to want to protect your siblings.

Oh, damn, the RICO case credit? REALLY? BOOTH! WTF! And now no Hawaii either? Oh, Booth, you're breaking my heart.

They're having an intervention with Bones about Jared? And she asks if they're her loved ones? This is kind of glorious. And also I love that Cam has so much history with the boys.

"We're all scientists. Well, not you." Hahahahaha.

Um, wow, Booth's gun got a lot bigger. And hello, duh, why did you not wait to confront him until he was farther away from the potential hostages? That was EPIC FUCKING FAIL. I actually don't believe Booth would make that mistake.

There's no need to show off your awesome shooting skills, Booth. Seriously. Just wait two seconds before you confront the guy, and it would have gone down so much better.

Sometimes this show makes my head hurt.

Angela's butterfly shirt is kind of awesome.

"He never shines the light on himself, he shines it on other people."

The shiny baubles speech is pretty cheesy, even for this show.

Wait, can you just carry drinks outside like that?

I actually don't like that Booth just needs time, not space. But then, I know the way she doubted him more than he does. I do love the final line. He delivers it really well, and you can tell that he's giving her something by offering this information.

Next episode looks like fun. Solving murders on a plane, excellent!

fandom: girl slash, fandom: tv: bones, fandom: tv

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