I'm reading instead of studying, of course. Dinner soon, though, some time outside in the nice weather and the full moon, and then back to the books.
"Every Farthing of the Cost (Dingoes At My Baby Remix)" Summary: Oz can't help but be reminded of Giles whenever Remus is around, so he takes the withdrawn Remus under his wing.
Oz, Remus, werewolves, magic, and background Remus/Sirius. I love every single thing about this story, especially Oz's voice, and the way he and Remus interact.
"Where the River Meets the Dawn (The Strobe Lights and the Disco Remix)" Summary: The Slayers are relaxing at the beach, and the Serenity crew are in trouble - or it might be the other way around.
I love Caridad's voice here, and the way the story is different from the original but still captures the excitement and joy of it.
"Eleven Hours at the End of the World (The Memento Mori Remix)" Summary: A Slayer fights her way through a post-apocalyptic wasteland full of zombies, picking up a traveling companion along the way.
Post-apocalyptic wasteland full of zombies. Need I say more?
"Hold On Loosely (The Southern Rock Remix)" Summary: "I'll be the best big brother ever, and you'll be the best little brother ever."
This story is so very, very much Dean Winchester I am amazed.
"By Any Other Name (The Fool's Paradise Remix)" Summary: If ye should lead her in a fool's paradise, as they say, it were a very gross kind of behaviour.
This is a fantastic exploration of what would grow from Mystique once she was no longer Mystique any more.
"Lucky Number Seven (By the Numbers Remix)" Summary: The seven people Sirius Black has kissed, and the reason he hasn't had sex until the last one.
Remus and Sirius again, and the stories behind Sirius's kisses, and just a wonderful point of view.