It was completely random. But when I was checking for new stuff at Y! Gallery [
link] this morning I saw a journal of an artist I follow. Now, this guy tends to focus on a quite specific niche. Like 80% of his stuff is this one thing. What is this thing, you ask? Green Day porn.
Anywyay, this morning he was asking for someone else to draw Green Day porn on account of he wants to look at some without drawing it himself. (at least, I think the artist is a he. Ye never know). Well, in an oddly charitable mood... I did. And so the first explicit depiction of a sexual act that I've drawn in like two or three years is now... Green Day porn. [
link] (You'll need to be logged into Y! Gallery to follow that link.) It also gets the interesting position of being the first digitally inked and colored porn piece I've done. Then again, I think my "porn pieces" include two pictures (both on Y! Gallery) and a page and a half of tiny sketches in the margins of my statistics notes and D&D notes from a few weeks a few years ago where I was feeling inspired to doodle porn in margins.
Anyway. This amused me greatly. And I do love to inflict random bits of my life on... well, anyone that will listen, really.
Later all.