So a friend of mine forwarded me a tweet that the writer of this article had made about the strange comments she gets on her Supernatural articles.
And, you know, I had to go digging through to see what she was talking about because random debates on character development I think is good.
Then I'm pretty sure I found the comment she was talking about because... yeah.
It's at the bottom of the link, so if you close your eyes and scroll you won't actually be spoiled for anything. If you actually read the piece, it only has the information from this week's extended preview.
Spoiler Containing Link There is a lot of Dean hating going on in a lot of the comments and then the final rant.
Yes, the rant does basically say that Jensen Ackle's pretty girl face ensures that Dean remains the 'good' brother. That it could be subconscious on the part of the writers and editors to make it so that Dean is 'good' and this makes the show about him.
Did I miss some other show starring Sam and Dean? Because - oh nevermind. I'm not going to debate the fact that having layers for your characters actually makes them more interesting.
I'm going to debate the fact that Jensen's overpowering "girl" face is somehow trumping the fact that JARED PADALECKI remains the first billed actor on the credits. They still call that top billing folks. Meaning that he's got more star power. These things are often negotiated into contracts.
Given that actors often tire of playing the straight "good" role, if there was any sort of collusion (which is a big if) - it would be giving Jared the chance to play a completely different Sam. These are actors. This is their profession. At six seasons of playing their characters, they want a challenge.
Like you or I, they don't necessarily want to do the same thing all their lives.
What did you think "Weekend At Bobby's" was about?
And beyond that, I have this thing about calling Jensen Ackles "girl-pretty" because I don't think that when I see him. I see a six foot something man who is very handsome.
He's got plump lips and long eye lashes. Yeah. Virtually a girl there. Ignore the ever present stubble and the eye crinkles that would send a similarily aged actress into a heart attack.
I see an actor that I wish got cast in something other than crappy horror films so that I could watch him play somebody other than Dean Winchester because he is that good of an actor. I don't care if he gains weight. I just appreciate the fact that he took some really weak writing for Dean at the beginning of the season and still managed to still be Dean.
Not every actor can do that, and if he made SPN "the Dean Show" while he did it... well that is kind of his job. Nailing and stealing a scene makes it exciting. I appreciate that he does that for me the fan instead of just standing there repeating lines and calling in a Dean performance.
And really? I think you insult Jared Padalecki if it is said that "Dean" is stealing the show. No, Sam isn't shining right now. Sam isn't doing that because he can't, and I'd be pissed if he was because it wouldn't flow with the story arc at all. The character is being played how he should be.