
Jun 15, 2012 05:10

So I was due to take my ST107 exam when while checking the paper I realised that I had been given the ST102 paper instead. So I notified the invigilator to request a new script, and was handed one. Trouble was that the new question paper was an ST107 paper for year 1982/1001 (yes 1001 which I presumed was a typo for 2001) candidates. So I notified them and they were unable to produce a current copy of the ST107 script, and the examination was suspended for everyone in the room until the invigilators could find the right question paper.

The strange thing was that the first ST102 script I had contained the same questions as my actual ST107 paper this year, which, in the dream, I had (also) already answered.
Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.

weird dreams ._., fmor

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