1. Is it just me or does listening to music after you swim make the song sound flat?
2. Thank you PB for using emails as the main method of data transfer; it's good to know you can find files in your mailbox or sent items folder when your computer has gone bonkers on you.
3. It's amazing how people can have such a strong sense of attachment to their childhood homes. This I realised after watching last night's episode of "CSI: Miami", whereby this kid killed a man who was part of a company buying all the houses in his estate. Funnily enough, I don't feel extremely attached to any of my previous houses at the moment. Does this have anything to do with me having moved thrice so far?
4. "Sesame Street" teaches kids to make friends with rocks lawl. Today Zoe was gushing over Rocko her pet rock, and the funniest thing was that Elmo was being all -_- and I never knew Elmo could be sarcastic!
5. And while we're on "Sesame Street", HAHA you know today there was a segment featuring the letter of the day called "Law And Order: Special Letters Unit"? XDDD
6. There's this whole bunch of Christmas fandom icons
here by
iconseeyou and here are some that have caught my eye...
In other news, the computer with Windows XP, Live Messenger, Office 2007 and Photoshop has crashed dfhjkhasdhjkahsdjas. I have another Photoshop CD but now I need a laptop...