Mar 26, 2009 12:48
I've got my second interview today!
i've herd a lot of good reviews about working here and i'll be making b a n k!
so i'm excited about that.
i'm going to miss brianna..
i've almost spent 2 years at home with her.
i did the day care thing for awhile but it's mind numbing being around children ALL DAY!
i really really hope i get this job.
people truly don't know anything about me.
Heather and i got into a tiff and she said some pretty hurtful things..
1. i don't do drugs.
2. i couldn't get a job if i wanted in the past year because i cannot afford day care.
3. i'm dealing with the biggest asshole of my life who refuses to pay for his daughter, i can't work for daddy.
4. i'm a good god damn mom.
i remember watching jo jo 7 hours a day and the second jenn got back from work she couldnt tolerate him for 2 minutes and half of my friends i'm sorry but they have the other family take the kid and watch it and get breaks. yeah my mom helps me when i go out once or twice a week but i spend every waking moment with my daughter, i know everything there is to know to sooth her to make her happy and why's shes upset. bashing me as a mother isnt going to make you look any less of what you did with your unborn child..but it's not my place to judge other people for there decisions.
i've become more and more disgusted with dating..
you all are literally THE SAME.
it's honestly the furthest thing from my mind.
i've become aware quickly who were my friends and who was backstabbing me.
the 2 people i loved most aside from my daughter, the 2 people i have given my all to and been there for are now together..still no hard feelings and i'm not bitter anymore. a little sour and guarded but i'm over woodbridge. i can't wait to get out.
i don't want brianna growing up here. don't get me wrong i love some parts of it and i'll always know where i came from but i'm ready to start a new life.
:yawn: i need to take a shower and get ready. WISH ME LUCK!!!