Kind of sort of getting into the homestretch, as I'm now about 30 weeks and a day into the 40 weeks of pregnancy! Excited to be well into the third trimester and past the point at which the little guy's lungs should be sufficiently developed to function for breathing. I'll have to get another picture soon, but here I am at about 28.5 weeks:
One thing I like about this picture is that you can kind of see my "fill line" - a nice horizontal line above which it's normal skin color and below which I'm nice and rosy. As the baby has moved up in my abdomen, so has the line! My stomach is basically no longer recognizable, including the fact that my stomach muscles are now parted and make for a ridge up the middle if I try to do a sit-up. I haven't actually gained any weight to speak of since the previous set of pictures were taken... obviously that makes no sense, but I had gained a lot in April, and clearly my belly is finding a way to keep expanding. Baby was a little bigger than predicted at the last check-up, and is super active - lots of the time I get more like 10 kicks a minute than 10 kicks an hour, which is supposed to be sort of a minimum threshold (depending, like many things related to pregnancy, on who you ask.) Kicks are often more like squirms now, which is interesting. Can't imagine what things will be like in another month or two - already seems like there's hardly any room left in there! (I read this week that at 30 weeks, fetuses only have about a pint of amniotic fluid around them. Crazy.)
I have had a lovely May, for the most part, with very little discomfort. I've been crediting that to lots of yoga and stretching, both a regular yoga course offered at my workplace and prenatal yoga practice online. The last week or so has gotten a little tougher, mostly in terms of sleeping (difficulty getting comfortable at night, and correspondingly waking up a lot for that - which is just as I'm not waking up as many times a night to go to the bathroom, since more of the pressure is higher in my abdomen now. Sigh.) I'm picking up a full-body pillow tomorrow, and am hoping it will help a lot. Otherwise, I may move to the guest room, where at least I can flip, flop, and grunt without disturbing anyone else!
Today's most interesting development was the first really obvious case of hiccups. They're basically a good thing - baby is practicing breathing, and getting a stronger diaphragm! As I had been told, when they happened they were unmistakable - a strong movement every couple of seconds, for 45 seconds or so.
The question of the month seems to be baby names, and we have nothing to report in that department. Hopefully little guy (affectionately referred to most commonly these days as T. Rex) will keep cooking for quite some time and we'll have plenty of time to come to a decision. But even when we do, I don't know if we'll share the information and give people the chance to comment! Some things are best presented as faits accomplis!