spring break!

Mar 07, 2009 20:29

So I'm finally home for spring break and I wanna scream...Break of 9! doesnt sound as good as Break of 8! did. not as cool. but im not really going anywhere exotic for it anyway.

i have a feeling im going to spend most of it working. i have play practice with my kids - cause im directing a play at my grade school which i do every year but this year i actually get class credit for it, how cool is that - every day and then my sister is moving to my town here in NE. it's awesome cause she used to live like 6 hours away and now she will be all like closer and stuff. unfortunately that means more babysitting most likely but whatever, i can take it. they're cute kids. kenyon is 3 and rebecca just turned 2. (i have six nieces and nephews aged 2-11). so im guessing i will be spending alot of time painting and unpacking with them. since i live just down the road from them in the dorms sarah is giving me my own guest room so i can GET THE HELL AWAY FROM DODGE! yay! i'm excited. unfortunately, the room is currently some scary-ass like bright blue and yellow and green pattern thing with like weirdass flowers all over the place and its all bright and it has matching curtains and ugh. its just ugly. i will gladly paint and destroy all that brightness. ill have to take before and after pics.

other than that im home. i got to sleep in this morning, awesomeness, and the only real thing i have to do for school over break is to write a paper thats due monday. but its only like 7 pages so i can handle that on like sunday night. i still gotta pick a topic though, whatever. they usually only take me around 5 hours. ive taken far too many of his classes to know what he wants to read about so im not worried.

so if i put that off that'll mean actual time to write stuff i wanna write about! yay! now if i could only find my muse...

BTW - there's a link on youtube now to some site where you can watch Backseat - the full movie. i might check it out sometime later.

dodge, painting, school, spring break, play practice, backseat

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