Feb 24, 2009 19:26

happy national pancake day all you wmc fans! apparently ihop is giving away a bunch of free ones. im jealous, so i made some for supper. im too busy to go anywhere. i've been writing this paper for my creative nonfiction class on my grandparents. we were supposed to do something on hard writing so i chose death, i think thats hard enough. so im home interviewing my parents because i remember like nothing. its depressing. they both lived til i was a teenager and i went over there every day - they only lived half a mile away - and i remember like nothing. so i came home to jog my memory. i could try going over to their house but my brother lives there now and everything's been remodeled. it's been 6 years.
but i got some good stories. mom says you could never diet around grandma. her favorite saying after you ate was 'who didnt eat their pie?' and then my favorite story was when mom and some other various relatives were driving to iowa with grandma riding in the front seat. they opened some pop which apparently was frozen or something and she was holding it and it started spilling out the top. they yelled at her to drink it to stop from making a mess and she yelled 'but its diet! i dont like diet!' and continued to let it spill all over the place.
grandma was kind of a rebel when she was younger. they lived on a farm and after she was married her mother would come over and say 'we're doing chickens tomorrow!' to which she would reply, 'i dont wanna do chickens tomorrow!' her mother would lock them in the pen and then leave. grandma would wait til her mother left then went and let them out. her mother would come over in the morning, see the chickens were out and stomp back home. then she'd come back a few days later and say nothing about it. grandma always said she'd go home, cool off, then come back over a few days later when she got lonely.
alright, im gonna go finish this paper. i feel inspired...not really.

chickens, diet pop, grandma, pancakes

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